Μελος της Λεσχης Μπιλντεμπεργκ
"Η συνεδρίαση είχε πραγματοποιηθεί και το 1993 στον ίδιο χώρο. Τότε ο παριστάμενος υπουργός Εξωτερικών των ΗΠΑ, Γουόρεν Κρίστοφερ, είχε προαναγγείλει την πτώση της κυβέρνησης Κ. Μητσοτάκη κάτι το οποίο επαληθεύθηκε 4 μήνες αργότερα, επιβεβαιώνοντας την αντίληψη περί τεράστιας δύναμης της Λέσχης στον καθορισμό της τύχης του πλανήτη."
"Ανάμεσα στους Έλληνες που έχουν συμμετάσχει στις συναντήσεις της Λέσχης είναι με χρονολογική σειρά οι εξής: Γ. Παλαιοκρασσάς, Λ. Κατσέλη, Στ. Μάνος, Γ. Παπαντωνίου, Α. Ανδριανόπουλος και Θ. Πάγκαλος, Τ. Χριστοδούλου, Α. Σαμαράς, Γ. Αρσένης, Γ. Παπανδρέου, Γ. Κρανιδιώτης, Κ. Καραμανλής, Ντ. Μπακογιάννη, Ά. Διαμαντοπούλου, Γ. Αλογοσκούφης."
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Participant list
GB, Peter Carrington; Chairman of the board Christies International plc; former secretary-general, NATO
Honorary Secretary-General for Europe and Canada
NL, Victor Halberstadt; Professor of Public economics, University of Leiden, Netherlands
Honorary Secretary-General for USA
USA, Theodore L Eliot Jr.
![Πλατύ χαμόγελο :grin: :grin:]()
ean Emeritus, The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, former US ambassador
I, Giovanni Agnelli; Chairman, Fiat SpA
USA, Paul Allaire; Chairman, Xerox Corporation
GB, Barbara Amiel; Columnist, Sunday Times
USA, Dwayne O Andreas; Chairman, Archer-Daniels-Midland Company Inc.
GR, Stellios Argyros; Chairman, Federation of Greek Industries
USA, George W Ball; Former Under Secretary of State
P, Fransisco Pinto Balsaemao; Chairman, Soujournal-aarl; Former Prime Minister
S, Percy Barnevik; President and CEO, ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd.
D, Christoph Bertram; Diplomatic correspondant, Die Zeit; Former Director, International Institute for Strategic Studies
NL, Ernst H van de Beugel; Emeritus Proffessor of International Relations, Leiden University; Former Honorary Secretary-General of Bilderberg meetings for Europe and Canada
TR, Selahattin Beyazit; Director of Companies
S, Carl Bildt; Prime Minister
ICE, Bjorn Bjarnason; Member of Parliament
CDN, Conrad M Black; Chairman, The Telegraph plc
GB, Tony Blair; Member of Parliament (Shadow Home Secretary, Labor)
N, Erik G.; Managing Director and CEO, Braathens SAFE
IL, Connor Brady; Editor, The Irish Times
GB, Rudric Braithwaite; Foreign Policy adviser to Prime Minister
P, Nuno Brederode Santos; Member of the Socialist party; Columnist, Expresso
NL, Elco Brinkman; Parliamentary Leader of CDA (Christian Democrats)
GR, Costa Carras; Director of Companies
D, Ulrich Cartellieri; Member of the Board of Managing Directors, Deutsche Bank AG
E, Jaime Carvajal Urquija; Chairman and General Manager, Iberfomento
E, Juan Luis Cedrian; CEO, PRISA (El Pais)
GB, Kenneth Clarke, Home Secretary
GR, Yannis S Costopoulos; Chairman, Credit Bank
CDN, Kenneth S Courtis; First Vice President, Deutsche Bank Capital Markets Asia Ltd, Tokyo
USA, Kenneth W Dam; Max Pam Proffessor of American and Foreign Law, University of Chicago Law School; Former Deputy Secretary of State
E, Guillermo de la Dehesa; CEO, Banco Pastor
F, Patrick Divedjian; Member of Parliament (Capital UDF-Hauts de Seine)
CDN, Marie-Josee Drouin; Executive Director, Hudson Institute of Canada
INT, Arthur Dunkel; Director, General Agreement on Tarriffs and Trade
DK, Uffe Ellemann-Jensen; Member of Parliament
E, Carlos Ferrer Salat; Chairman UNICE (The European Employers Federation)
USA, Stephen Friedman; Senior Partner and Chairman, Goldman Sachs & Co.
USA, John R Galvin; John M Olin Distinguished Professor of National Security Studies, US Military Academy, West Point; Former Supreme Allied Commander Europe SHAPE
CDN, Anthony G S Griffin; Director of Companies
GR, Gregory Hadjieleftheriadis; Vice-President, Eletson Corp
TR, Talat S Halman; Proffessor of Near Eastern Languages and Literature, New York University
USA, James Hoagland; Associate Editor/Senior Foreign Correspondant, The Washington Post
N, Westye Hoegh; Chairman of the Board, Leif Hoegh & Co AS
B, Jan Huyghebaert; Chairman, Almanij-Kreditbank Group
SF, Jaakko Ilonicmi; Managing Director, Centre for Finnish Business and Policy Studies; Former Ambassador to the USA
A, Peter Jankowitsch; Chairman, Joint Parliamentary Committee Austria EC; Former Foreign Minister
CH, Robert A Jeker; Managing Director of the Stephan Schmidheiny Holdings
D, Josef Joffe; Foreign Editor, Suddeutsche Zeitung
USA, Vernon E Jordan Jr.;Senior Partner, Akin Gump Straise Hauer & Feld LLP (Attorneys-at-Law)
CH, Jakob Kellenberger; State Secretary for Foreign Affairs
USA, Lane Kirkland; President AFL-CIO
GB, Andrew Knight; Executive Chairman, News International Plc
SF, Jarl Kohler; President, Finnish Forestry Industries Federation
NL, Wim Kok; Minister of Finance, Depouty Prime Minister
SF, Johannes Koroma; Director General, Confederation of Finnish Industry and Employers
NL, Pieter Korteweg,; President and CEO, Robeco Group; Honorary Treasurer of Bilderberg Meetings
USA, Henry R Kravis; Founding PArtner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.
USA, Samuel W Lewis; Director of Policy Planning Staff, Department of State
A, Paul Lendvai; Director, Austrian International Radio
GR, George P Livanos; Ship Owner
GR, John C Lyras; Vice Chairman, Union of Greek Shipowners
CDN, Donald S Macdonald; Senior Partner, McCarthy Tetrault; Former Minister of Finance
NL, Floris A Maljers; Chairman of the Board, Unilever NV
GR, Stefanos Manos; Minister of National Economy
B, Wilfred Martens; Minister of State; Former Prime Minister
USA, Charles Mathias; Partner, Jones Day Reavis & Pogue; Former US Senator (Republican, Maryland)
CDN, Barbara McDougall; Secretary of State for External Affairs
INT, Karel van Miert; EC Commissioner
GR, Constantine Mitsotakis; Prime Minister
F, Thierry de Montbrial; Director, French Institute of International Relations; Professor of Economics, Ecole Polytechnique
I, Mario Monti; Rector and Professor of Economics, Bocconi University, Milan
USA, William E Odom; Director of National Security Studies, The Hudson Institute; Former Director, National Security Agency
P, Fernando Faria de Oliviera; Minister of Trade and Tourism
F, Francois d'Orcival; Editor, Valgurs? Actuelles
GB, David Owen; EC Mediator, International Conference on Former Yugoslavia
NL, HM The Queen of the Netherlands
GR, Theodoros Pangalos; Spokesman for Foreign Affairs, Socialist Party
GR, Michalia G Papaconstantinou; Minister for Foreign Affairs
GR, Theodore Papalexopoulos; Deputy Chairman, Titan Cement Company SA
GR, Michael C Peraticos; Chairman, Pegasus Ocean Services
USA, LArry Pressler; Senator (Republican South Dakota)
CH, David de Pury; Chairman of the Board, BBC Brown Bovari Ltd.;Co-Chairman of ABB Asea Brown Bovei Group
GB, William Rees-Mogg; Chairman, Broadcasting Standards Council; Chairman The American Trading Company Ltd.; Former Editor, The Times
D, Wolfgang Reitzle; Member of the Board, BMW AG
DK, Chresten W Reves; President and CEO Berlingske Tidende (Newspaper)
USA, David Rockefeller; Chairma, Chase Manhattan Bank International Advisory Committee
USA, Sharon Percy Rockefeller; President and CEO, WETA TV and FM
GB, Eric Roll of Ipsden; President SG Warburg Group plc
I, Renato Ruggiero; Member of the Board Fiat sPa; Former Minister of Trade
D, Volke Ruhe; Minister of Defense
TR, Rusdu Saracoglu; Govenor, Central Bank of Turkey
B, Phillipe de Schoutheete de Tervarent; Permanent Representative of Belgium to the European Communities
F, Louis Schweitzer; Chairman and CEO, Renault SA
GB, Patrick Sheehy; Chairman BAT Industries
ICE, Jon Sigurdsson; Minister of Trade and Industry
D, Theo Sommer; Editor in Chief, Die Zeit
D, Lothar Spath; CEO, Jenoptik; Former Prime Minister of Baden-Wuertemberg
I, Barbara Spinelli; Editorialist and European Correspondant La Stampa, Paris
INT, Helga Steeg; Executive Director, International Energy Agency
IRL, Peter D Sutherland; Chairman, Allied Irish Banks plc.; Former Commissioner of the European Communities
GB, MArtin Taylor; CEO, Courtaulds Textiles plc.
I, Marco Tronchetti Provera; Executive Vice President and CEO, Pirelli SpA
GR, Thanos M Vererois; Professor of Political History, Universityy of Athens; Director, Hellenic Foundation for Defence and Foreign Policy
GR, Themistocles Volkos; Chairman, The Seatrade Organisation
A, Franz Vranitzky; Federal Chancellor
N, Niels Werring; Director, Wilh. Wilhelmson Limited AS
USA, John Whitehead; Chairman AEA Investors Inc.; Former Secretary of State
USA, Lynn R Williams; International President, United Steelworkers of America
USA, James D Wolfenson; President, James D Wolfenson Inc.
D, Otto Wolff von Amerongen; Chairman and CEOof Otto Wolff Industrieberatung und GmbH
INT, Manfred Werner; Secretary General of NATO
USA, Casimir A Yost; Executive Director, The Asia Foundation's Center for Asian Pacific Affairs
B, HRH Prince Philippe
USA, Grant F Winthrop; Partner Millbank Winthrop & Co.
USA, Alice Victor; Executive Assistant to David Rockefeller, Rockefeller Financial Services Inc.
In Attendance
NL, Maja Banck; Executive Secretary, Bilderberg Meetings
GR, Stephan Farrant; Managing Director, Newsfront Naftilaki; Local Organiser 1993
SF, Mirja Lehtinen; Local Organiser 1994
USA, Charles Muller; President, Murden and Company; Adviser, American Friends of Bilderberg Inc.
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