εισαγωγες εξαγωγες τυπε
απο νωρις φανηκε το ταλεντο και η αγαπη του παμπλο για το εμποριο...
ξεκινησε με ταφοπλακες
Pablo Escobar was born in Rionegro, Colombia, the third of nine children to Abel de Jesús Dari Escobar, a farmer, and Hermilda Gavíria, an elementary school teacher.[4] As a teenager on the streets of Medellín, he began his criminal career by allegedly stealing gravestones and sanding them down for resale to smugglers. His brother, Roberto Escobar, denies this, claiming that the gravestones came from cemetery owners whose clients had stopped paying for site care and that they had a relative who had a monuments business.