It’s a gene therapy technology. That’s Moderna’s own definition. Let’s stick with what they say they are. The benefit is non-existent. A human being is going to be potentially exposed to unclassified, both short-term and long-term risks of altering their RNA and DNA from exposure to this gene therapy. This is important to understand, there is no clinical benefit except that in certain instances of CoV infection and/or COVID-19 exposure, there were a few. By that, I mean less than a few hundred out of nearly 40,000 in the clinical trial. A few hundred people had a few days less severe symptoms with the gene therapy when compared to the other control group. Even in that comparison, if you look at the methodology that’s in the published papers for the clinical trials, they play games with the data because what they’re doing is, they’re separating reactivity, meaning the way in which a person responds to being exposed to the gene therapy, they separate out adverse events from actual COVID symptoms.
The problem is that COVID symptoms include things like fever, body ache, muscle pain, muscle weakness and things like that. They got rid of a lot of what would have been considered to be COVID symptoms by calling them adverse events. If you pull that data out and you say, “Compare the population that got the gene therapy with the population that didn’t get the gene therapy.” The population that got the gene therapy had way more illness, including COVID-19 symptoms, than the population that didn’t get the gene therapy but because they classified an enormous number of things as adverse events, they technically wiggled themselves into what was this ridiculous 90% plus effectiveness. Effectiveness was not effective in blocking illness. It was effective in allegedly shortening the duration of symptoms.
Δεν θα κατσω να το μεταφρασω ολο..Αλλα λεει χοντρικα οτι αυτοι που εκαναν το εμβολιο ειχαν πολυ περισσοτεροι συμπτωματα κοβιντ απο αυτους που δεν εμβολιαστηκαν.Αλλα εντεχνως τα συμπτωματα τα βαφτισαν ανεπιθυμητες ενεργειες του εμβολιου για να καταδειξουν επιτυχια 90%.
Να συμπληρωσω.Τα συμπτωματα κοβιντ τα δημιουργησε το εμβολιο στους γερους.Εδω πρεπει να καταλαβετε κατα ΠΟΥ
αλλο κοβιντ 19 και αλλο Σαρς-κοβιντ-2.Κοβιντ 19 ειναι ενα συνολο συμπτωματων που μπορουν διαφοροι ιοι να προκαλεσουν.Ενω Σαρς -κοβιντ-2 ειναι ιος που μπορει και αυτος να δημιουρησει τα συμπτωματα κοβιντ.Οταν το ψαξετε και το καταλαβετε αυτο θα αντιληφθειτε το ψεμα και την προπαγανδα.Το 80% αυτων που παρουσιαζουν συμπτωματα κοβιντ ειναι τεστ αρνητικοι και το 80% των τεστ θετικων ειναι υγιεις.Για αυτο ανακαλυψαν τον ορο ασυμπτωματικος φορεας.Δηλαδη μπουρδες.
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