ΠΕΡΙΟΔΟΣ ΑΠΟ 30/09/2013 ΕΩΣ 24/12/2013
Δόξα το θεό, πολύ καλά μέχρι στιγμής.
1) Univariate Theory: Assignments: 29/30 - Examination: 13/01/2014.
2) Social Science Data: Sources and Measurement: Assignment submitted on 04/12/2013.
3) Generalised Linear Models: 1st assignment: 74/100 - 2nd assignment: completed - Examination: 15/01/2014.
4) Research skills: Report writing: assignment submitted on 19/11/2013 - Oral presentation: Very good - Statistical consultancy: 72/100.
Δόξα το θεό, πολύ καλά μέχρι στιγμής.
1) Univariate Theory: Assignments: 29/30 - Examination: 13/01/2014.
2) Social Science Data: Sources and Measurement: Assignment submitted on 04/12/2013.
3) Generalised Linear Models: 1st assignment: 74/100 - 2nd assignment: completed - Examination: 15/01/2014.
4) Research skills: Report writing: assignment submitted on 19/11/2013 - Oral presentation: Very good - Statistical consultancy: 72/100.