Τα έχω αναλύσει από το 2012 ως Greek kamaki στο φόρουμ του roosh.Παραμενουν ακριβώς τα ίδια την τελευταία εικοσαετία.
Greek kamaki
Posts: 4,676
Joined: Feb 2012
Post: #1
Ukrainian women shit tests
When you talk to ukrainian girls you will inevitably come across of some of the common shit tests they use.I will present some of them and the answers usually given.
1.Why are you in Ukraine?
This test implies:Are you in Ukraine to hunt girls?If you answer I came to get girls you are immediately disqualified.If you answer I am a professional searching for business opportunities,interested in buying real estate,trying to open a shop or franchise etc you are in to be considered a liar.So carefully choose one reason why you are in Ukraine.How you justify your prsence.Tourist can mean sex tourist for them especially if you happen to be in a city flood by sex tourists or in a city with absolutely no tourist attraction.
2.How long will you stay in Ukraine?
If you answer I came for a week she may decide you are not material for LTR.If you answer I came to stay for long(student etc) she will suspect you are a liar.So you have to think of a clear answer before to this question.From my experience it is usually better to tell the truth but promise to come back soon to show that you are a frequent traveller.If she asks why do you come here often say that you have visited most European countries and Ukraine is your favourite you like the architecture and nature.Maybe the food as well.
3.Are girls not beautiful in your country?Why do you want ukrainian girl?
If you answer girls in my country suck you may appear as a sociopath or low value who cannot get a decent gf in his country.Or you may appear that you have high selection criteria so she is likely to be excluded as well.Or that you have a problem in character or a secret disadvantage that puts off girls.If you answer girls in my coutry are good she will ask then why do you not have a wife or girlfriend.This is another crucial question.
4.Why do you not have a girlfriend?Why are you not married?
This means what is your story?Are you not eligible to get a wife in your country or are you irresponsible?Or do you have some kind of defect? The answer is sth along the lines of unluckiness I did not happen to meet sb special so she will question whether you are social and cannot ***** through social circles.So be prepared guys.Have an answer beforehand for everything.
My answers would be as follow(although calibratiuon is always needed).
Βασικά με τις Ουκρανές είναι σα να δίνεις διαγώνισμα.Σου κάνουν τα shit tests ψυχρά με poker face και αν τα περάσεις ρίχνεις κι έναν πούτσο.
Εγώ το έχω ξεφτιλίσει αφού απαντάω εντελώς μηχανικά με τις σωστες λέξεις, σε βαθμό τελειότητας.
Το βασικό είναι να μην ψαρώνεις με το εκτεταμένο ερωτηματολόγιο και την ψυχρότητα της γκόμενας.Δε σημαίνει τίποτα.Απλα προσπαθεί να εκτιμήσει αντικειμενικά την αξία σου.
Δηλαδή σκέφτονται ακόμα και να με παραμύθιασε στα τεστ,σημαινει οτι έχει αξία ότι μπορεί να παραμυθιάζει κόσμο,άρα να βγάλει λεφτά,άρα θα περάσουμε καλά,θα φάω καλά.Καπως έτσι σκέφτονται,οι Ουκρανές είναι πολύ ζωώδεις,δεν έχουν πνευματικότητα ή λεπτά ένστικτά.