μερικα γενικα για τα ειδη πρωτεινων :
Whey protein contains high levels of all the essential amino acids and branched-chain amino acids. It also has the highest content of the amino acid cysteine, which aids in the biosynthesis of glutathione. For bodybuilders whey protein provides amino acids used to aid in muscle recovery.[4] Whey protein is derived from the process of making cheese from milk. There are three types of whey protein: whey concentrate, whey isolate, and whey hydrolysate. Whey concentrate is 29%–89% protein by weight where whey isolate is 90%+ protein by weight. Whey hydrolysate is enzymatically predigested and therefore has the shortest rate of digestion of all protein types.
Casein protein (or milk protein) has glutamine, and casomorphin.
Soy protein from soybeans contain isoflavones, a type of phytoestrogen.
Egg-white protein is a lactose- and dairy-free protein.
Hemp seed contains complete and highly-digestible protein and hemp oil is high in essential fatty acids.
Rice protein, when made from the whole grain, is a complete protein source that is highly digestible and allergen free. Since rice protein is low in the amino acid lysine, it is often combined with pea protein powder to achieve a superior amino acid profile.
Pea protein is a hypoallergenic protein with a lighter texture than most other protein powders. Pea protein has an amino acid profile similar to that of soy, but pea protein does not elicit concerns about unknown effects of phytoestrogens. Pea protein is also less allergenic than soy.
εσυ που ρωτησες για πρωτεινη,υπαρχει η επιστημονικη αποψη οτι ο οργανισμος μπορει να μεταβολισει μονο 5-9 γραμμαρια πρωτεινης ανα ωρα οποτε παραπανω καταναλωση μπορει να οδηγησει σε προβληματα στα νεφρα,οστεοπορωση και διαρροια.
αυτα ειναι βεβαια οι ''κλασσικες'' αποψεις,αφου οι περισσοτεροι που ασχολουνται σοβαρα με bodybuilding καταναλωνουν πολυ παραπανω.
το ερωτημα ειναι σε τι επιπεδο εισαι? αν κανεις γυμναστικη με βαρη χρονια ενα συμπληρωμα πρωτεινης δεν θα ειναι επιβλαβες(αλλα υπαρχει το θεμα της χοληστερινης οπως πολυ σωστα ειπε ο φιλος απο πανω) ενω αν εισαι απ αυτους που ειναι λαπαδες κι απλα νομιζουν οτι αμα παρουν πρωτεινη θα γινουν κορμια τοτε καλυτερα μην παρεις...