Φίλε Slav τα ζούμε σε έναν δύσκολο κόσμο πλέον..Βάζω φωτογραφία τι μου είπε η παντρεμένη μου το μεσημέρι !Η κοπέλα έχει όλη τη καλή διάθεση να με βοηθήσει να βρω κάποια στη πόλη της και να έχω επαφές , πήγαινε έλα και να γίνω μέλος του κύκλου τους!Εδώ μου εξηγεί πως παίζεται πλέον το παιχνίδι!Και η ίδια πήγε στα κλάμπ αυτές τις μέρες και μου έγραψε αυτά...
Οντως όπως τα λέει είναι.Θα έχεις την εμπειρία του roosh ακριβώς όπως έγινε και στις άλλες χώρες.
''I'm at the club where I have social proof. I know many guys there and also the bar staff. Two guys I was with were about to leave when a 6 stood right next to me in the bar. A 6 is nothing great, but at that time I had no other options, and it was getting late (around 4am). I opened and it went quite well. We talked for a while (in Russian) and I bought a round of drinks. We danced a bit as well and lots of touching.
In Poland, this is an easy ONS. There, lowering your standards results in easy, shallow sex. But not here! This girl was very resistant to venue changing. I accepted there would be no sex, and since I wouldn't actually date her, the cause was lost and I started zoning out (it was close to 6am now).
Then she ordered a drink by herself and fumbled through her purse for a while. I knew she was trying to hint at me to pay. I didn't, and of course she copped an attitude, eventually saying she was "insulted". Then I saw her sidle up next to another guy later. I'm guessing that's her move.
Here it seems that lowering your standards doesn't really speed up sex. That kind of sucks because I don't want to pay the same price for a cheeseburger as sirloin. There's no freebies. I'm working like a dog to gain every approach, date, kiss, and so on. Some girls are definitely much more receptive than others, but in the end I still have to do the same date track for sex.''
Ακριβώς τα ίδια θα βιώσεις και εσύ.Δεν υπάρχει ταχυσέξ στη Ρωσία όπως σε Πολωνία κτλ.Δεν είναι Mc girls θέλουν βαρύ αντίτιμο.
Γενικά για εσένα ο roosh είναι Canary on the island.Σε προειδοποιεί για το τι μέλλει γενέσθαι σε κάθε χώρα.
Οπου γάμησε αυτός εύκολα(Πολωνία,Κροατία,Ρουμανία) εκεί θα γαμήσεις και εσύ.Οπου δυσκολεύτηκε(Ουκρανία,Ρωσία) εκεί θα δυσκολευτείς και εσύ.Γιατί κάνει περίπου τα ίδια(καμάκι στα κλαμπ κτλ).