Δεν είναι έτσι όμως τύπε. Η φυλή αυτή δεν εμφανίστηκε από το πουθενά ξέρεις, είναι εκεί κάτι χιλιετίες, άσε που από το δικό τους θρησκευτικό συστηματάκι προέρχονται μουσουλμανισμός/χριστιανισμός.
Παραβλέπεις επίσης τις συστηματικές ένοπλες επιθέσεις εναντίον τους, τη συμμετοχή τους στους αραβοισραηλινούς πολέμους, τις συνεχείς τρομοκρατικές υποθέσεις, ότι η χαμάς λίγο απέχει από ακραίο τζιχάντ.
Δικαιολογείς τέλος τις δολοφονίες αμάχων, τα σιστάκια έχουν πολλές αποχρώσεις, τα κόκκινα όμως είναι τα χειρότερα γιατί η θεώρησή τους για τη βία είναι εξαγνισμένη και δικαιολογημένη.
Τα σύνορα των κρατών τους τελευταίους δύο αιώνες διαμορφώθηκαν από τα αποτελέσματα των πολέμων, ο νικητής έχει το πάνω χέρι και κάποιες φορές όταν πας για το όλα ή τίποτα μένεις με το τίποτα στο χέρι.
Η άποψή τους χονδρικά για το κράτος τους σε σχέση με τους Παλαιστίνιους περιέχεται στο παρακάτω κείμενο:
Israel wasn’t established on stolen Palestinian soil
Many think that there was a Palestinian territory and then the Jews came and took their land. This is not so. The name Palestine originates from the word “Pleshet,” which, according to the Hebrew Bible, is an ancient people that probably came from the Greek island of Crete and settled in the southern coast of the Land of Israel. The name Pleshet or Philistia wasn’t common until the Roman emperor Hadrian decided to punish the Jews because of the Bar Kokhba revolt, changing in 135 the name of Jerusalem to Aelia Capitolina and the name of Judaea to Syria Palestina. The name wasn’t used during the Muslim empires that ruled the Middle East. Most of modern Israel was a small, neglected, and unimportant part of Syria. Jerusalem was never a capital city. Cairo and Damascus were the important cities of the region in the Muslim era. Only under British rule, starting in 1917, after the Ottoman Empire collapsed in World War I, did the name Palestine begin to be used again. If the British hadn’t come, there wouldn’t be a Palestinian people. And the Arabs that lived in the area would have been Egyptian or Syrian.
Jews lived for hundreds of years in Jerusalem, Hebron, Safed, and Tiberius. In 1860 the Jews started buying land outside the four cities. Unlike the first white settlers in the United States, who robbed the land from the Indians, and unlike the Australians, who stole the land from the Aborigines, all the land that Jews settled on was bought and paid for, down to the last cent. Starting in the 1930s, the British and the United Nations made many proposals about how to divide the land of Israel into two countries – a Jewish and an Arab state side by side. The Jews agreed to the proposals but the Arabs didn’t and started a war. The Jews won. Many of the Arabs that Israel conquered kept on living in Israel, and today 20 percent of the Israeli population is Arab.
Οι ίδιοι επίσης υποστηρίζουν ότι οι συνθήκες διαβίωσης των Παλαιστινίων είναι καλές. Είναι η δική τους άποψη, μπορεί να είναι μούφα, θέλει ψάξιμο και δεν με ενδιαφέρει να το ψάξω τόσο πολύ.
The life expectancy in the West Bank and Gaza in 1967 (the year Israel occupied the West Bank and Gaza) was 48 years. Today it is over 75 years – higher than all the Arab countries around Israel. In 1967 the infant mortality rate was higher than 150 out of 1,000 births. Today it is less than 19. The Palestinians are the most educated Arabs in the Middle East and North Africa. In 1967 there were no universities on the West Bank. Today there are 11 universities and 13 colleges. In 1967 only 4 Arab settlements had running water. Today there are more than 640 that do. (In Amman, the capital of Jordan, only tens of kilometers away, there is running water only one day a week). According to the World Bank, the Palestinians have received four times more aid than Europe did from the Marshall Plan after World War II. Every participant of my tours knew that the United States supports Israel. But none of them knew that the Palestinians get more aid from the United States, the European Union, Japan, the Arab countries, and the United Nations than any other people in the world.