Μπορεί αυτός να προέρχεται από την πατριά των Γερακαρηδων, που εδιωξε τους Στεφανοπουλους από τη Μάνη και να μη θέλει να τους δώσει εύσημα καταγωγής.
Δες αυτό. Ειναι από μανιάτικο έντυπο.
he Greek Origin of Napoleon the Great
Strange as it may sound the talks about the Greek origin of Napoleon Bonaparte were not initiated by the Greeks and have nothing to do with the Greek vanity. The legend about his Greek origin was born on Corsica.
Let events speak for themselves. It has already been mentioned that the Maniots left Paomia and for 44 years (1731-1775) lived in Aiaccio, the capital of Corsica. It was exactly the period when Napoleon was born and raised.
Napoleon’s father Carl Bonaparte was a close friend of the family of Panoria Stefanopoulos, widow of Permno, a supplier of the French army. Their friendship was so close that when Carl died Panoria was the one to close his eyes. Panorias daughter Laura Stefanopoulos, Juno’s wife, was known as Countess D’Abrantes. In her "Recollections" she mentioned about the details of Napoleon’s family life which Napoleon never argued.
"In the Bonaparte’s house we spoke Greek with the Napoleon’s father… Bonaparte’s ancestor by name of Kalomeros (from the Stefanopoulos’ kin) had moved from Aiaccio to the Toscana region. There his Greek name was changed into an Italian and sounded like Bona Parte, that was a literate translation from Greek to Italian.