(1) εξαρτάται με τι μετράς την αναλογία … την μετράς πχ με βάση τις ανάγκες που δημιούργησε ή με βάση το τι παρήγαγε ?? για μένα η μέτρηση της αναλογίας αυτής πρέπει να γίνεται αποκλειστικά και μόνον με βάση την παραγωγή σε ποιότητα και ποσότητα …
(2) δεν νομίζω στην Ελλάδα κανείς να στερήθηκε ποτέ την δυνατότητα να σπουδάσει και μάλιστα δωρεάν (σε αντίθεση με τις χώρες πρότυπα κοινωνικού κράτους που η παιδεία δεν είναι και εντελώς δωρεάν)… η βάση εκκίνησης λοιπόν είναι η ίδια για όλους (δωρεάν δημόσια παιδεία άλλο αν με τις πράξεις μας οι ίδιοι και όχι το κράτος την έχουμε κάνει κώλο)..
η αφετηρία δεν μπορεί να είναι η ίδια εφόσον ισχύει η έννοια της κληρονομίας (άρα κάποιοι θα ξεκινάνε με ένα μπαγιόκο)..
και πάμε στις ίσες ευκαιρίες… στον μοναδικό επαγγελματικό χώρο που πιστεύω ότι δεν υπάρχουν ίσες ευκαιρίες είναι το δημόσιο (κομματικοί διορισμοί κλπ κλπ κλπ) δυστυχώς κάποιοι θέλουν να συνεχιστεί αυτή η κατάσταση και το παλεύουν με νύχια και με δόντια (συνδικαλιστές, Δούρου κλπ)
(3) βεβαίως και οφείλει… αλλά πρέπει να προστατεύσει τους πραγματικά ασθενέστερους και όχι τους κατ’ επιλογήν ή τους κατ΄επίφασιν… πρόβλημα δημογραφικό είχαμε και παλαιότερα για άλλους λόγους… γιαυτό σκούζω και φωνάζω ότι οι οριζόντιες επιδοματικές πολιτικές δεν είναι σωστές αλλά η κάθε περίπτωση θα πρέπει να εξετάζεται ξεχωριστά…
θέλω να μου πείς τι θα απαντούσες εσύ σε αυτήν την γυναίκα
A 25-stone benefit scrounger wants MORE money to lose weight
FURY erupted last night after a 25st mum who says she can only afford junk food on her £20,000-a-year benefits demanded bigger handouts so she can buy healthy fruit and veg.
Christina Briggs, 26, hates being a size 26 but moans she is powerless to lose weight because all she can afford is takeaways, chocolate and crisps.The mother-of-two claims low fat food costs too much.
She has been warned by her GP her health is at risk from heart disease and diabetes because of her size.
Christina, who lives in a council house with her 10-year-old daughter and two-year-old son, wants extra handouts so she can afford healthy grub and a gym membership.She wants the government to sponsor her £1 for every 1lb in weight she loses – or give her vouchers for fruit and veg.
"It's not easy being overweight and on benefits,'' she said. "If I was well off I'd be able to buy fresh food and afford a gym membership.”I tried swimming but it cost £22-a-month and meant I had to cut back on my favourite pizza and Chineses takeaways. It's not my fault. Healthy food is too expensive.''
Christina, from Wigan, told ITV's This Morning she started putting on weight as a child due to medication she received for meningitis.She piled more on when she fell pregnant while she was at school following a one-night stand. Then she started comfort-eating after being bullied over her vast size.
The orange-haired, tattooed mum now raises her two children, who have different dads, on her own and fears unless she gets help she may not live long enough to see them grow up.She said she cannot get a job because she needs to be at home to look after her youngsters one of whom has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
And she dare not go jogging because she fears passers-by will laugh at her.She said: "I need more benefits to eat healthily and exercise. It would be good if the government offered a cash incentive for me to lose weight.
"I'd like to get £1 for every pound I lose or healthy food vouchers."If the price of healthy food was lowered that would help, too. I need help, but I need it from the government.''
She said she understood why her extra cash claim may anger taxpayers but believes everyone should be able to afford healthy food and a gym. "This is not just for me - for working people too,'' she said. "I want the cost to be lowered. I want the cost of food to be lowered.’’
ορίστε τι είπαν μερικοί γιαυτήν
"Eat a bit less, love, that'll save you some money.
"You are a travesty to our benefits system.
"Let's see...tattoos or veg? Tattoos or fresh fish?''
"Utter rubbish - she talks it and eats it! She doesn't work so has plenty of time to cook fresh healthy food from scratch. No excuses, just lazy selfish and greedy. Never have I heard such tosh.
"A takeaway for her and her children must be a minimum of a tenner and could range to £20. For £10 pounds I could feed myself 3 dinners and 2 lunches easily.
"There has been numerous times where I have wanted a takeaway, but guess what? Fruit and veg is cheap and good for you!
"This woman is a lazy, cynical, overweight slob who blames everyone else but herself. As for exercising? Doesn't cost to walk or go for a jog around your area.''