
Ταϊλάνδη sex trip...

  • Μέλος που άνοιξε το νήμα KOSTASF16
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  • Απαντήσεις 59K
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  • Βλέπουν το thread αυτή τη στιγμή 15 άτομα (2 μέλη και 13 επισκέπτες)


17 Απρ 2007
Καλα την εχουνε μονο οσοι δεν εχουνε παει στην Ται, γιατι δεν ξερουνε πως ειναι η ζωη στην σεξομπριζα. Για να ερθω στα λογια του Φ16, η Ται ειναι πολυ σκληρο ναρκωτικο.
Σε βρίσκω πολύ σωστό φίλε μου. Μετά από 4 ταξίδια στη χώρα του χαμογέλου μέσα στο 2008 μπορώ να έρθω απόλυτα στα λόγια του Φ16.


16 Μαρ 2006
Ταϋλανδέζικο φρικασέ. :2funny:
Πες στον Κώστα να σου εξηγήσει ή δίαβασε σχετικά πόστ του.

Galletti 7

9 Ιαν 2009
Ναι συντροφε vonmakoulis καταλαβα !!! θα ειναι καλυτερο το φρικασε εκει σιγουρα.! kostasF16 θα ερθω για πληροφοριες.!Το τηλ το βρηκα Vonmakoulis αλλα σε αθλια κατασταση εγινε φρικασε το ειχα στο παντελονι και μπηκε στο πλυντηριο βγηκε ενα κουρελι!!! :jerking:


16 Μαρ 2006
Για να καταλάβετε και οι υπόλοιποι περί τίνος πρόκειται, ο εν λόγω σύντροφος με σχετική άνεση εξασφάλισε το τηλέφωνο νεαρής και ωραίας φιλλιπινέζας με την προτροπή να της τηλεφωνήσει να βρεθούν για καφέ(και ότι άλλο ήθελε προκύψει) μ' αυτή και τις φίλες της, αλλά ...έχασε το τηλέφωνο :headbang:.
Είπαμε μυαλό....φρικασέ :uglystupid:

Galletti 7

9 Ιαν 2009
Συντροφε vonmakoulis ειδες! εκει ηταν παλι αλλα δεν ειχα χρονο ! Ερχεται και αλλο Σαββατο ομως!


27 Απρ 2007
DJZAN, υπαρχουν πολλες και καλες πληροφοριες για ολον τον κοσμο οσον αφορα σεξοτουρισμο στο στην περιπτωση που ΔΕΝ το ξερεις αυτο το σιτε, ενω με εγγραφη (δωρεαν) εχεις και προσβαση σε χιλιαδες ΧΧΧ ερασιτεχνικες φωτογραφιες (ειδικα σε αυτα για ταυλανδη , βραζιλια και ρωσσια γινεται χαμος). Εγω εχω βοηθηθει σε αλλα μου ταξιδια πολυ απο το συγκεκριμενο.

θα σου προτεινα για ανδροπαρεα να επιλεξεις την Πατογκ του ΠΟυκετ, μενοντας στο ξενοδοχειο στου Μπαμπη που ειναι θεσσαλονικιος και εχει πολλα παιδια απο Βορειο Ελλαδα επισης που πανε μονα τους εκει. Ο ποδογυρος για γυναικες χωρις τον χαβαλε της ανδροπαρεας δεν αξιζει (προσωπικη αποψη και αιρετικη για πολλους απο εδω μεσα).

Galletti 7

9 Ιαν 2009
εκει καθε ωρα ειναι ωρα δρασης :boobies:
Εσυ που εισαι πειρατης ξερεις απο δραση! Βαλε την σημαιασου λοιπον και βγαλε την κολαρα της κινεζας! Αφου μπαχαλο θα τα κανεις παλι ξερεις εσει! ρουμι κανονιες ενα φρικασε συνεχομενω! ολη την ωρα.!



6 Νοε 2008
DJZAN, υπαρχουν πολλες και καλες πληροφοριες για ολον τον κοσμο οσον αφορα σεξοτουρισμο στο στην περιπτωση που ΔΕΝ το ξερεις αυτο το σιτε, ενω με εγγραφη (δωρεαν) εχεις και προσβαση σε χιλιαδες ΧΧΧ ερασιτεχνικες φωτογραφιες (ειδικα σε αυτα για ταυλανδη , βραζιλια και ρωσσια γινεται χαμος). Εγω εχω βοηθηθει σε αλλα μου ταξιδια πολυ απο το συγκεκριμενο.

θα σου προτεινα για ανδροπαρεα να επιλεξεις την Πατογκ του ΠΟυκετ, μενοντας στο ξενοδοχειο στου Μπαμπη που ειναι θεσσαλονικιος και εχει πολλα παιδια απο Βορειο Ελλαδα επισης που πανε μονα τους εκει. Ο ποδογυρος για γυναικες χωρις τον χαβαλε της ανδροπαρεας δεν αξιζει (προσωπικη αποψη και αιρετικη για πολλους απο εδω μεσα).

ευχαριστω για τις πληροφοριες σου. το site που λες το ξερω. εχω μπει και σε αλλα οπως το pattaya-addicts.com. βασικα ομως ενδιαφερομαι για pattaya επειδη εχω διαβασει οτι εχεις περισσοτερες επιλογες και οτι ειναι πιο φθηνα. δεν ψαχνω ανδροπαρεα αλλα καποιον που θα ειναι επισης μονος και να εχει ηδη παει στο παρελθον. εχεις περισσοτερες πληροφοριες για το ξενοδοχειο που λες? καποιο site μηπως? ισως τελικα καταληξω εκει. ποιος ξερει...!!!  :)

Galletti 7

9 Ιαν 2009
ευχαριστω για τις πληροφοριες σου. το site που λες το ξερω. εχω μπει και σε αλλα οπως το pattaya-addicts.com. βασικα ομως ενδιαφερομαι για pattaya επειδη εχω διαβασει οτι εχεις περισσοτερες επιλογες και οτι ειναι πιο φθηνα. δεν ψαχνω ανδροπαρεα αλλα καποιον που θα ειναι επισης μονος και να εχει ηδη παει στο παρελθον. εχεις περισσοτερες πληροφοριες για το ξενοδοχειο που λες? καποιο site μηπως? ισως τελικα καταληξω εκει. ποιος ξερει...!!!  :)
djzan Βρηκες τους καταληλους οτι θες και εχεις στο μυαλοσου θα σου πουνε!,Διαβασε και απω την αρχη τα ποστ εχει σημαντηκες πληρωφοριες !


17 Σεπ 2007
Εσυ που εισαι πειρατης ξερεις απο δραση! Βαλε την σημαιασου λοιπον και βγαλε την κολαρα της κινεζας! Αφου μπαχαλο θα τα κανεις παλι ξερεις εσει! ρουμι κανονιες ενα φρικασε συνεχομενω! ολη την ωρα.!

οταν θα σου στειλει το φιλιπινι το παρακατω μυνημα θα σου πω εγω φρικασε πουχεις να γινεις

Hello my dear ,,,,
Greetings with peace....

      Hello,,,,,! How are u? I hope u have a nice day,, as well as I am hoping that u have good health and doing fine,,,,,And hoping that you are enjoying your workdays with your friend and with the help of our almighty to have more blessing always.....
        Before anything else I want to share to you about myself.....
        I am pure Filipina woman,,I am 26 years old and taking up BS
Nursing as graduating student...I am 5' 6 tall and weigh of 54 kilograms...I like cooking and painting in my sparetime,,And I love dancing and playing badminton too,,and watching television and adventures movies,,And I am very passionate and I love most, to see some beautiful and great natures...

        I am good cultured filipina with a good up bringing and values,,A woman who possess great ambition and dreams in life,,,A descent woman who always be humble,honest,trustworthy and hardworking,  and a woman who has fear to GOD........

        At this time I am willing to tell u about my short story of my life,,,,,,
I am orphan girl...I grew in the orphanage,,due of the absence of my real parent because they are separated and left me in our neighbor,,And that is the reason why I am in the orphanage,,They raise me well and luckily in my age of 4 years old I was adopted by a couple who have no child but they old enough ...I think they have an age of almost 50,,,,And they stand as my father and mother,,but we have only a normal level of living,,My foster father have a piece of land and he made it for his farm because he is only a farmer..at the same time my foster mother left in our house and take care of me until I go to school when I am 7 years old,,,We have happy life together and the time come my father have illness,,He have cancer of the bone in his left knee,,,,He got to have medication in the hospital that is the reason why we sold our land but nothing we can do for him....And then,,,my mother and me transfer to find house even a little..to rent and where we
stay...at the same time I am continue schooling,,My mother support for my school and in our daily needs..but when I am got highschool I did worked together with my mom...We got only laundry washing from anybody sometimes in our neighbors just to have even a small paid spent for food and some needs,,,I am lucky because i am one of the top student in school that is why i grant a scholarship until i finish my highschool...That is why my mom was not get hard for me to get school...until I reach the 4th years highschool and I am going to graduate,,,my mom was very happy to me and excited to pinned all my medals and awards as graduated of being valedictorian...but it is bad moment in my life,,,My foster mother was left away because of car accident in the 5th day before my graduation day...It was the most sad moment in life but I am still strive to be strong for me to live and survive...cause of my strong determination to have finish my studies and have a
degree.,,And I did live alone and work as accept laundry wash from neighbor and other person for me to live and survive..And that is the reason I decided to get school in college and i took nursing for 4 years,,I am happy coz I grant 3 years scholarship in college cause of being valedictorian in highschool...I am very serious to my study and get laundry after school time and until I finish 3rd year college,,,but in the last year I left  in my schooling was very hard for me because I am not scholar anymore....cause I finished the contract of my scholarship,,,,
    It was summer in that time I did found some good work and I earn a little money for me to spent for my enrollment fee to have my last year to be finished...I  did enrolled but the good work i said was gone cause of my schools schedules,,,That is why I did came back getting laundry wash as my work but it still hard for me in that time but i am patient and hard work even to earn a litttle paid for food and rent my apartment...That is the reason I stop schooling and finiding a good job for me to earn,,,I am happy that I did find one,,,,That is my job now,,I am a sales lady for a certain bakery here..but it is not
have enough salary for food,,rent apartment and some money for my school fees,,but it is hard for me to have work and get school at the  same time but I did have patient and sucrifice my self to have a degree of nursing,,,cause I want to have better future and good life that is why I have no time for having boyfriend before...I have experience once.. but not successful cause he is not serious with me and i found out that he have another girlfriend,,,it hurts me cause I am good with him all the time..and until time come,,I am really affraid to inlove maybe it will happen to me again....

          I am sure that u are wondering why I am here in the net searching site?
          what is my purpose and reasons?  OK I WILL TELL U......

        Definitely i am here for having purpose and reasons,,,as u know I am here just only taking chances maybe to met man to have good and serious relationship,,if that chance will granted I will be glad and happy..and I hope that I have a lucky chances  for what I am here...

        And u know that one reason Im here because of my friends ( SHIELA AND KAREN WERE SUCCESSFULLY LIVING THERE NOW IN AMERICA WITH THEIR HUSBAND AND HAVE HAPPY FAMILY) ....they are my bestfriend in my college days....they wanting me to met a good man here and be my lover in a long run...who have patient,understanding,and willing to accept me for what I am and who I am.....they give me this  WEBSITE and thaught how to use and manage just to have it...cause they wanted me to have a good life like them..that is why i am taking chances here and I pray and hope that I have a good search...

        Actually, I am here not for play games but for real cause if u only play games with each other was only wasting your time and I am here for good intention and willingness of my heart to have a good man..and I hope for this willingness will be respect and not to give bad meanings cause I decide to have search here for goodness not to lie...Most of all I hate liar cause I am, here to be truthful and I am always true to my self.

        And the best reason I am here is to,,May I dedicate my love and affection to the man who is really good and nice to me all the time..

        I am willing to relocate like my friend where my mans lived and have happy family with my future children..And I want that my man allow me to get work too,,cause I did have a degree being Registered Nurse and the same time I will do my duty and responsiblity being a wife and being a mother ...and I dont want my husband working alone for me ...... ,,,cause I wanting to help him for built a good family and good future and we are going to have work together...cause I will love my children of course...and I dont want that they will experienced what I have experienced before ,,have no family and have not felt the love exist inside the family ...if my husbnd not want me to have work it is ok ,,,but i will do my obligation as wife and mother for my husband and future children..........

        I pray and hoped that all this my dream will work out,,,,AND I HOPE U ARE THE MAN MEANT TO BE WITH  ME..............

        As I will going to finish this letter of mine I hope u inspired reading it and appreciate for what I am and my dreams,,,,,,

      .Have a nice day to you,,,take care and god bless...

always here,,,,,,,



24 Δεκ 2008
θα σου προτεινα για ανδροπαρεα να επιλεξεις την Πατογκ του ΠΟυκετ, μενοντας στο ξενοδοχειο στου Μπαμπη που ειναι θεσσαλονικιος και εχει πολλα παιδια απο Βορειο Ελλαδα επισης που πανε μονα τους εκει.

Μάπα το ξενοδοχείο του Μπάμπη!!!

Μην πας με τίποτα,του Αργύρη είναι πολύ καλύτερο και πιο οικονομικό!!!

Galletti 7

9 Ιαν 2009
οταν θα σου στειλει το φιλιπινι το παρακατω μυνημα θα σου πω εγω φρικασε πουχεις να γινεις

Hello my dear ,,,,
Greetings with peace....

       Hello,,,,,! How are u? I hope u have a nice day,, as well as I am hoping that u have good health and doing fine,,,,,And hoping that you are enjoying your workdays with your friend and with the help of our almighty to have more blessing always.....
        Before anything else I want to share to you about myself.....
        I am pure Filipina woman,,I am 26 years old and taking up BS
Nursing as graduating student...I am 5' 6 tall and weigh of 54 kilograms...I like cooking and painting in my sparetime,,And I love dancing and playing badminton too,,and watching television and adventures movies,,And I am very passionate and I love most, to see some beautiful and great natures...

         I am good cultured filipina with a good up bringing and values,,A woman who possess great ambition and dreams in life,,,A descent woman who always be humble,honest,trustworthy and hardworking,  and a woman who has fear to GOD........

         At this time I am willing to tell u about my short story of my life,,,,,,
I am orphan girl...I grew in the orphanage,,due of the absence of my real parent because they are separated and left me in our neighbor,,And that is the reason why I am in the orphanage,,They raise me well and luckily in my age of 4 years old I was adopted by a couple who have no child but they old enough ...I think they have an age of almost 50,,,,And they stand as my father and mother,,but we have only a normal level of living,,My foster father have a piece of land and he made it for his farm because he is only a farmer..at the same time my foster mother left in our house and take care of me until I go to school when I am 7 years old,,,We have happy life together and the time come my father have illness,,He have cancer of the bone in his left knee,,,,He got to have medication in the hospital that is the reason why we sold our land but nothing we can do for him....And then,,,my mother and me transfer to find house even a little..to rent and where we
stay...at the same time I am continue schooling,,My mother support for my school and in our daily needs..but when I am got highschool I did worked together with my mom...We got only laundry washing from anybody sometimes in our neighbors just to have even a small paid spent for food and some needs,,,I am lucky because i am one of the top student in school that is why i grant a scholarship until i finish my highschool...That is why my mom was not get hard for me to get school...until I reach the 4th years highschool and I am going to graduate,,,my mom was very happy to me and excited to pinned all my medals and awards as graduated of being valedictorian...but it is bad moment in my life,,,My foster mother was left away because of car accident in the 5th day before my graduation day...It was the most sad moment in life but I am still strive to be strong for me to live and survive...cause of my strong determination to have finish my studies and have a
degree.,,And I did live alone and work as accept laundry wash from neighbor and other person for me to live and survive..And that is the reason I decided to get school in college and i took nursing for 4 years,,I am happy coz I grant 3 years scholarship in college cause of being valedictorian in highschool...I am very serious to my study and get laundry after school time and until I finish 3rd year college,,,but in the last year I left  in my schooling was very hard for me because I am not scholar anymore....cause I finished the contract of my scholarship,,,,
     It was summer in that time I did found some good work and I earn a little money for me to spent for my enrollment fee to have my last year to be finished...I  did enrolled but the good work i said was gone cause of my schools schedules,,,That is why I did came back getting laundry wash as my work but it still hard for me in that time but i am patient and hard work even to earn a litttle paid for food and rent my apartment...That is the reason I stop schooling and finiding a good job for me to earn,,,I am happy that I did find one,,,,That is my job now,,I am a sales lady for a certain bakery here..but it is not
have enough salary for food,,rent apartment and some money for my school fees,,but it is hard for me to have work and get school at the  same time but I did have patient and sucrifice my self to have a degree of nursing,,,cause I want to have better future and good life that is why I have no time for having boyfriend before...I have experience once.. but not successful cause he is not serious with me and i found out that he have another girlfriend,,,it hurts me cause I am good with him all the time..and until time come,,I am really affraid to inlove maybe it will happen to me again....

           I am sure that u are wondering why I am here in the net searching site?
           what is my purpose and reasons?   OK I WILL TELL U......

         Definitely i am here for having purpose and reasons,,,as u know I am here just only taking chances maybe to met man to have good and serious relationship,,if that chance will granted I will be glad and happy..and I hope that I have a lucky chances  for what I am here...

         And u know that one reason Im here because of my friends ( SHIELA AND KAREN WERE SUCCESSFULLY LIVING THERE NOW IN AMERICA WITH THEIR HUSBAND AND HAVE HAPPY FAMILY) ....they are my bestfriend in my college days....they wanting me to met a good man here and be my lover in a long run...who have patient,understanding,and willing to accept me for what I am and who I am.....they give me this  WEBSITE and thaught how to use and manage just to have it...cause they wanted me to have a good life like them..that is why i am taking chances here and I pray and hope that I have a good search...

        Actually, I am here not for play games but for real cause if u only play games with each other was only wasting your time and I am here for good intention and willingness of my heart to have a good man..and I hope for this willingness will be respect and not to give bad meanings cause I decide to have search here for goodness not to lie...Most of all I hate liar cause I am, here to be truthful and I am always true to my self.

        And the best reason I am here is to,,May I dedicate my love and affection to the man who is really good and nice to me all the time..

        I am willing to relocate like my friend where my mans lived and have happy family with my future children..And I want that my man allow me to get work too,,cause I did have a degree being Registered Nurse and the same time I will do my duty and responsiblity being a wife and being a mother ...and I dont want my husband working alone for me ...... ,,,cause I wanting to help him for built a good family and good future and we are going to have work together...cause I will love my children of course...and I dont want that they will experienced what I have experienced before ,,have no family and have not felt the love exist inside the family ...if my husbnd not want me to have work it is ok ,,,but i will do my obligation as wife and mother for my husband and future children..........

        I pray and hoped that all this my dream will work out,,,,AND I HOPE U ARE THE MAN MEANT TO BE WITH  ME..............

        As I will going to finish this letter of mine I hope u inspired reading it and appreciate for what I am and my dreams,,,,,,

      .Have a nice day to you,,,take care and god bless...

always here,,,,,,,
Πειρατη παλι εκει με ΠΛ μηλας απο εκει ετσι?


20 Μαΐ 2007
φρικασε στειλε τη συνταγη να φτιαξουμε κανενα φρικασε να ζεσταθει το κοκκαλακι μας γιατι εχουμε ξεπαγιασει με το ψωφοκρυο της ΒΚΚ! τι ζακετες, τι παλτα, τι καλτσες, τι γαντια, τι φωτιες στους δρομους, ολα τα εχουν επιστρατευσει οι Ταυλανδοι που τουρτουριζουν απο το πρωτοφανες κυμα ψυχους που πληττει τη χωρα!!

τζορτζ σου παει το πειρατικο καπελλο, κοιττα να βαλλεις μονο σε μια σειρα τον φρικασε γιατι καλα-καλα δεν εχει ερθει και μας εχει ηδη γ@@σει   :2funny: :2funny:

Galletti 7

9 Ιαν 2009
Τωρα μαλιστα εχει και ΠΛ ο πειρατης σου παει τελεια φιλεμου. βρηκες παλι, εκει το δικοσου!Για τα σιδερα!!!


17 Σεπ 2007
φρικασε στειλε τη συνταγη να φτιαξουμε κανενα φρικασε να ζεσταθει το κοκκαλακι μας γιατι εχουμε ξεπαγιασει με το ψωφοκρυο της ΒΚΚ! τι ζακετες, τι παλτα, τι καλτσες, τι γαντια, τι φωτιες στους δρομους, ολα τα εχουν επιστρατευσει οι Ταυλανδοι που τουρτουριζουν απο το πρωτοφανες κυμα ψυχους που πληττει τη χωρα!!

τζορτζ σου παει το πειρατικο καπελλο, κοιττα να βαλλεις μονο σε μια σειρα τον φρικασε γιατι καλα-καλα δεν εχει ερθει και μας εχει ηδη γ@@σει   :2funny: :2funny:

με τον FRIKASE ειμαστε φιλοι 10 χρονια τωρα εχει πολυ χαβαλε θα τον δεις και απο κοντα παντα με κανει και πεθαινω στα γελια. Ενα βραδυ που δεν μου ειχε αφησει αντερο του ειπα μαλακα μου εχεις κανει το μυαλο φρικασε απο κει εμεινε κιολας.Τωρα λιγο ο ενθουσιασμος της ταυλανδης(αν και στο πρωτο ταξιδι δεν μακολουθησε)λιγο η πρωτη επαφη με το Internet ξεσκιζεται ολη την ωρα και γραφει οτι του ρθει ,ειπαμε ειναι FRIKASES!!!




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