η επίγνωση της επανάληψης, της επανάκαμψης του οικείου και του γνωστού
πρέπει να 'σαι πολύ αφελής για να γράψεις τέτοια μουσική χωρίς εμπειρίες
και πολύ ιδιοφυής
[tt]The Cantigas de Santa Maria are 420 poems with musical notation, written in the medieval Galician-Portuguese language during the reign of Alfonso X of Castile El Sabio (1221–1284) and often attributed to him.
It is one of the largest collections of monophonic (solo) songs from the Middle Ages and is characterized by the mention of the Virgin Mary in every song, while every tenth song is a hymn.[/tt]