Πιπούλα να το παρει το ποτάμι !
Θεϊκη ερμηνεία !
Όταν πέθαινε ο στάλιν ,στο γραμμόφωνό του έπαιζε το 23ο κοντσερτο
για πιανο του Μοτσαρτ ,με σολιστ τη Μαρια Γιουντινα .
O Σοστακοβιτς ανέφερε στα απομνημονεύματα του :
There was an interesting story behind this recording. I'm copying the translation made by one of MySpace users:
The great Russian 20th century composer Dimitri Shostakovitch said in his
memoirs that living under Soviet rule was like living in an insane asylum. To illustrate the point he told the following story about his friend and classmate in the conservatory, the piano virtuouso Maria Yudina.
One Sunday afternoon during the war Yudina was the featured soloist in a live broadcast over Radio Moscow of Mozart's piano concerto .. 23. It just so happened that Stalin was listening to the broadcast that afternoon and was most favorably impressed. The following day he phoned Radio Moscow and
"requested" that they send him the recording of the Mozart piano concerto with Yudina they had just played. Of course, having been a live performance, no such recording existed, but nobody at Radio Moscow was going to risk Stalin's wrath by telling him that. So, they frantically summoned the entire Radio Moscow Symphony Orchestra, the conductor and Yudina to an emergency recording session that night.
It was already after 10 p. m. before everyone showed up, and the original
conductor was so nervous about making a "mistake" and incurring Stalin's ire
that he could not beat time effectively. After several false starts, he was sent
home and another conductor was summoned in his place. The second conductor arrived so drunk that he kept conducting sections of movements out of sequence.
After about 20 minutes of this, the orchestra members rebelled, put down their
instruments and refused to play for him. He was sent home.
To everyone's great relief, the third conductor summoned knew the score
perfectly by memory. It was well after 1:30 a. m. when he arrived and was informed of his mission. He took off his coat, walked to the podium, rapped his baton on it and declared: "Alors, Mozart!" and proceeded to whip the musicians through the entire concerto in a single take! The tape was replayed, everyone nodded their assent, and a single disc was pressed and sent to Stalin.
About two weeks later Yudina received a note from Stalin himself congratulating her on a marvelous performance and expressing how much he approved of her interpretation of Mozart. Enclosed with the note was
a personal check from Stalin to Yudina for 20,000 rubles!
Now, Yudina was a devout (some would say fanatical) Russian Orthodox Catholic who did not allow the official ban on religion in Soviet Russia deter her for a single second from practising and promoting her beliefs. Indeed, her public tweaking and avid annoying of the authorities in this matter had earned her the reputation of being one of Russia's foremost "gifted eccentrics." Good Christian lady that she was, she sent Stalin a thank-you letter which went
something like this:
"Dear Josef Vissairyonovich,
"I wish to thank you for your most generous gift and express to you how much it touched my heart. I will continue to pray for you and your soul every day and every night for the rest of my life. Please remember that
God's love for you is as infinite as His mercy, and if you but confess and repent He will forgive your many sins against our homeland and our countrymen.
"Once again, I wish to thank you for your gift. I have donated it in its entirity to the church which I regularly attend.
Most sincerly,
Maria V. Yudina"