Κλασσική ξέκωλη εμφάνιση στο ανατολικό μπλοκ.Γενικά ο άντρας το παίρνουν σα δεδομένο σαν τον ήλιο που ανατέλλει οτι θα απολαμβάνουν κάθε μέρα κώλους και βυζέτα.
Eδώ το κλασσικό τραγούδι του καλλιτέχνη Liroy που περιγράφει καλά τη νοοτροπία των Πολωνέζων.Twoja corka(η κόρη σου).
Good morning..
What is going on??
I came to your daughter ..
my daughter ??
How do you look? Where you took these things?
My daughter do not ask ..
is a good girl.
Your daughters .. your daughter ..
Your daughter is not so pretty perfect
Never it was not, although sometimes tried
I remember once long ago in elementary school
Received cable under the bench on klasówce
Briefly, I'll tell you what this runs
For example, your daughter loves to Swede
6/9, rider, wink and stuff
In all, nearly reached the incredible skill
likes to play some other, I do not deny
Leather, chains, not to mention the whip
she also enjoys much when it burns her body
All this does, however, still too little!
Your daughter .. your daughter ..
One more word and I'll call the police,
I told you already she is a good girl
She goes to church, sings in the choir ..
Regarding the church - a very simple matter
More of her sermons spring fun
- Insert - remove - insert - remove and so on
A church choir practiced constantly in bed
Oral, anal for her daily bread
Anything to bum from the yard is suitable for her
Sometimes I and others caressed,
But almost all of the settlements fucked her!
Sometimes also the time that the dog struggled to
Great Dane, PITBUL always gave them advice
As if that was not enough checked once a horse
From what I remember, she always wanted to have an elephant ...?!
Your daughters of your daughters .. .. your daughters ..
I'll get you whore peasant.
I'm in the basement of a gun and a shovel.
No one after you do not even gonna miss you.
Probably every one of you will ask: "What is a whore for recording? !!!"
I will answer very briefly to you ladies and gentlemen:
The history of this pattern is namely this:
"The roll in tissue paper and fuck paw!"
Many of these women walk in this strange world
And it does not explain what might very well know
They learn of how to live, they say - "you are too vulgar"
And with them the goods on the angel is fucking miserable !!!
Banal so is the moral of this short story -
"Not everything is gold what is illuminated from the top!"
The moral is trivial in my short stories -
"Not everything is gold what is the top whore lits it !!!"
Υμνος στους πολωνικούς κώλους.Ο Αντρας τραγουδάει θησαυρέ μου φαίνεσαι σούπερ,αγαπάω πολύ τον κώλο σου.'
Απόλυτα κομπλιμέντα για Πόλκες.
Αυτή είναι περίπουτ
η μέση εμφάνιση που έχουν οι Πολωνέζες στα νησιά και τα άλλα καμακομέρη.Οι Πολωνοί τις γαμάνε χωρίς να ιδρωκοπήσουν ιδιαίτερα.
Γάμος στη Ρωσία.Μιλάμε για σλαβικό παράδεισο σε αυτές τις χώρες.Κοινά ήθη και έθιμα.
Eδώ το κλασσικό τραγούδι του καλλιτέχνη Liroy που περιγράφει καλά τη νοοτροπία των Πολωνέζων.Twoja corka(η κόρη σου).
Good morning..
What is going on??
I came to your daughter ..
my daughter ??
How do you look? Where you took these things?
My daughter do not ask ..
is a good girl.
Your daughters .. your daughter ..
Your daughter is not so pretty perfect
Never it was not, although sometimes tried
I remember once long ago in elementary school
Received cable under the bench on klasówce
Briefly, I'll tell you what this runs
For example, your daughter loves to Swede
6/9, rider, wink and stuff
In all, nearly reached the incredible skill
likes to play some other, I do not deny
Leather, chains, not to mention the whip
she also enjoys much when it burns her body
All this does, however, still too little!
Your daughter .. your daughter ..
One more word and I'll call the police,
I told you already she is a good girl
She goes to church, sings in the choir ..
Regarding the church - a very simple matter
More of her sermons spring fun
- Insert - remove - insert - remove and so on
A church choir practiced constantly in bed
Oral, anal for her daily bread
Anything to bum from the yard is suitable for her
Sometimes I and others caressed,
But almost all of the settlements fucked her!
Sometimes also the time that the dog struggled to
Great Dane, PITBUL always gave them advice
As if that was not enough checked once a horse
From what I remember, she always wanted to have an elephant ...?!
Your daughters of your daughters .. .. your daughters ..
I'll get you whore peasant.
I'm in the basement of a gun and a shovel.
No one after you do not even gonna miss you.
Probably every one of you will ask: "What is a whore for recording? !!!"
I will answer very briefly to you ladies and gentlemen:
The history of this pattern is namely this:
"The roll in tissue paper and fuck paw!"
Many of these women walk in this strange world
And it does not explain what might very well know
They learn of how to live, they say - "you are too vulgar"
And with them the goods on the angel is fucking miserable !!!
Banal so is the moral of this short story -
"Not everything is gold what is illuminated from the top!"
The moral is trivial in my short stories -
"Not everything is gold what is the top whore lits it !!!"
Υμνος στους πολωνικούς κώλους.Ο Αντρας τραγουδάει θησαυρέ μου φαίνεσαι σούπερ,αγαπάω πολύ τον κώλο σου.'
Απόλυτα κομπλιμέντα για Πόλκες.
Αυτή είναι περίπουτ
η μέση εμφάνιση που έχουν οι Πολωνέζες στα νησιά και τα άλλα καμακομέρη.Οι Πολωνοί τις γαμάνε χωρίς να ιδρωκοπήσουν ιδιαίτερα.
Γάμος στη Ρωσία.Μιλάμε για σλαβικό παράδεισο σε αυτές τις χώρες.Κοινά ήθη και έθιμα.