- Εγγρ.
- 10 Οκτ 2021
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Καλά αυτός ο Ρος είναι ο ορισμός του ναυγιου
Φανταστείτε ότι κάποτε γάμουσε ΚΑΙ αυτός..
Με τα σημερινά δεδομένα τέτοια άτομα είναι οφφ εξ αρχής
Πάντως και ο Roosh για Ευρώπη και Ρωσία τα'λεγε απ'το 2015
The entire continent in spiritually and demographically lost, with sub-replacement birth rates among natives in every single country. The suicidal mission to accept over a million Islamists will send Europe deep into a void that may be impossible to reverse. Deciding to live in Europe is the same as living in a building that will no longer see important repairs.
Now that I’m looking for a long-term home instead of short-term fun, I’m finding it hard to consider anywhere except for Russia, the only country I believe can defeat the multicultural evil of the West.