Πορνεία στη χριστιανική ορολογία δεν είναι οι ιερόδουλες και τα μπουρδέλα. Είναι άλλο πράγμα. Εξάλλου ο γάμος όπως είναι σήμερα δεν έχει καμία σχέση με αυτό που λέει ο Χριστιανισμός. Άρα ουσιαστικά αρνούμενος να κάνεις οικογένεια στη σημερινή εποχή ακολουθείς το Θέλημα του Θεού.
Σε μια συνεντευξη του ο Γουίλτ Τσάμπερλειν το 1987 μιλάει για το οτι δεν παντρεύτηκε ποτε , ούτε είχε κάποια σοβαρή σχέση. Είναι στο βίντεο απο το 7:41 και μετά , ο διάλογος είναι :
reporter : And that you naver had a serious relationship before , you are a loner as we said before , there's been little romance and no desire to marry ? true ?
wilt : well true i mean i never believe in closing the door or anything at all , i never say never , i'm from a very succesful family of marriage as far as i am concerned , my mother and father were married for almost 50 years and i have a great respect for the institution , BUT I THINK IN TODAY'S WORLD there is almost no place for it.
reporter : you know when they look at you wilt when everybody looks at you they see a man who is indestructible, ever been hurt by a woman?
wilt : mm not really no , nothing i can think of , i have been hurt by the (multitudes?) or the ones who say no for whatever reasons
reporter : but i mean is that because maybe you dont let people in, as close as you might or could , and because of that , you know disassociate yourself a little bit , distance yourself a little bit ?
wilt : i would say maybe there might be a fear of getting too close and then getting hurt , and yeah that's natural thing i think we all have that , you know but basically i feel though that i have to find someone that is comparable and that's almost impossible for me to do.
ΥΓ. εχει και υποτιτλους το βίντεο αλλα νομίζω οι δικοί μου είναι ποιό σωστοί