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5 Αυγ 2010

Η ερώτηση που πρέπει να κάνουμε σε κάθε γυναίκα πριν τη γνωρίσουμε για να ξέρουμε πώς πρέπει να την παίξουμε μπάλα...  :sunglasses:

κοίτα, ο οργασμός στην γυναίκα είναι, όπως και πολλά άλλα πράγματα  ;) περίπλοκη υπόθεση.

Γενικά πάντως η κλειτορίδα θέλει στοργή.

Πάντως αν θέλεις, πάρε για Σαββατοκύριακο την παρακάτω ύλη και έλα για πρόχειρο διαγώνισμα Δευτέρα.   :grin:

Orgasm in females

Clitoral and vaginal variabilities

Discussions of the female orgasm are complicated by orgasms in women typically being divided into two categories: clitoral orgasm and vaginal (or G-Spot) orgasm.

Ladas, Whipple and Perry proposed three categories: the tenting type (derived from clitoral stimulation), the A-frame type (derived G-Spot stimulation), and the blended type (derived from clitoral and G-Spot stimulation);

Whipple and Komisaruk later proposed cervix stimulation as inducing a fourth type, though orgasms by means other than clitoral or vaginal/G-Spot stimulation are less prevalent in scientific literature and most scientists contend that no distinction should be made between "types" of female orgasm.

This distinction began with Sigmund Freud, who postulated the concept of "vaginal orgasm" as separate from clitoral orgasm. In 1905, Freud stated that clitoral orgasms are purely an adolescent phenomenon and that upon reaching puberty, the proper response of mature women is a change-over to vaginal orgasms, meaning orgasms without any clitoral stimulation. While Freud provided no evidence for this basic assumption, the consequences of this theory were considerable. Many women felt inadequate when they could not achieve orgasm via vaginal intercourse alone, involving little or no clitoral stimulation, as Freud's theory made penile-vaginal intercourse the central component to women's sexual satisfaction.

The first major national surveys of sexual behavior were the Kinsey Reports. Alfred Kinsey was the first researcher to harshly criticize Freud's ideas about female sexuality and orgasm when, through his interviews with thousands of women, Kinsey found that most women could not have vaginal orgasms.

He "criticized Freud and other theorists for projecting male constructs of sexuality onto women" and "viewed the clitoris as the main center of sexual response" and the vagina as "relatively unimportant" for sexual satisfaction, relaying that "few women inserted fingers or objects into their vaginas when they masturbated". He "concluded that satisfaction from penile penetration [is] mainly psychological or perhaps the result of referred sensation".

Masters and Johnson's research into the female sexual response cycle generally supported Kinsey's findings about the female orgasm, which inspired feminists such as Anne Koedt to speak about the "false distinction" made between clitoral and vaginal orgasms and women's biology not being properly analyzed.
Research, including research by Shere Hite, has consistently demonstrated that 70–80% of women achieve orgasm only through direct clitoral stimulation,

though indirect clitoral stimulation may also be sufficient. The Mayo Clinic stated, "Orgasms vary in intensity, and women vary in the frequency of their orgasms and the amount of stimulation necessary to trigger an orgasm."

Clitoral orgasms are easier to achieve because the glans of the clitoris, or clitoris as a whole, has more than 8,000 sensory nerve endings, as much as or more than the human penis, as well as more than any other part of the human body. As the clitoris is homologous to the penis, it is the equivalent in its capacity to receive sexual stimulation, It surrounds the vagina somewhat like a horseshoe, with "legs" that extend along the vaginal lips back to the anus.

While the G-Spot can produce an orgasm, and the urethral sponge, an area in which the G-Spot may be found, runs along the "roof" of the vagina and can create pleasurable sensations when stimulated, the vagina has insufficient capability of producing pleasure and orgasm in women. Go Ask Alice! reports that although vaginal intercourse may promote a satisfying feeling of fullness or closeness with a sexual partner, the vaginal walls "contain relatively few nerve endings, making intense sexual stimulation, pleasure, and orgasm from vaginal-only penetration unlikely" and that "it's generally only the lower third of the vagina that has enough nerve endings to feel any stimulation at all from a penis, finger, toy, or other penetrative object".

Sex educator Rebecca Chalker states that only one part of the clitoris, the urethral sponge, is in contact with the penis, fingers, or a dildo in the vagina. Hite and Chalker note that the tip of the clitoris and the inner lips, which are also very sensitive, are not receiving direct stimulation during intercourse. Because of this, some couples may engage in the coital alignment technique to maximize clitoral stimulation. For some women, the clitoris is very sensitive after climax, making additional stimulation initially painful.

Accounts that the vagina is capable of producing orgasms continue to be subject to debate because in addition to the vagina's low concentration of nerve endings, the G-Spot's location is inconsistent and appears to be nonexistent in some women, and may be an extension of another structure (such as the Skene's gland or the clitoris, which is a part of the Skene's gland). "Reports in the public media would lead one to believe the G-Spot is a well-characterized entity capable of providing extreme sexual stimulation, yet this is far from the truth," stated scholars Kilchevsky, Vardi, Lowenstein and Gruenwald in a 2012 Journal of Sexual Medicine article.

Masters and Johnson were the first to determine that the clitoral structures surround and extend along and within the labia. In addition to observing that the majority of their female subjects could only have clitoral orgasms, they found that both clitoral and vaginal orgasms had the same stages of physical response. On this basis, they argued that clitoral stimulation is the source of both kinds of orgasms.

Likewise, Australian urologist Helen O'Connell's discoveries about the size of the clitoris, published in 2005, suggest that clitoral tissue extends into the anterior wall of the vagina, which may invalidate the hypothesis that clitoral and vaginal orgasms are of two different origins.

While some studies, using ultrasound, have found physiological evidence of the G-Spot in women who report having orgasms during intercourse, O'Connell asserts that the clitoris's interconnected relationship with the vagina is the physiological explanation for the conjectured G-Spot and experience of vaginal orgasms, taking into account the stimulation of the internal parts of the clitoris during vaginal penetration. Having used MRI technology which enabled her to note a direct relationship between the legs or roots of the clitoris and the erectile tissue of the "clitoral bulbs" and corpora, and the distal urethra and vagina, O'Connell stated, "The vaginal wall is, in fact, the clitoris. If you lift the skin off the vagina on the side walls, you get the bulbs of the clitoris—triangular, crescental masses of erectile tissue." O'Connell, who had made the claims in 1998, and her team were already aware that the clitoris is more than just its glans – the "little hill". They reasoned that it is possible that some women have more extensive clitoral tissues and nerves than others, and therefore whereas many women can only achieve orgasm by direct stimulation of the external parts of the clitoris, for others the stimulation of the more generalized tissues of the clitoris via intercourse may be sufficient.

French researchers Odile Buisson and Pierre Foldès reported similar findings to that of O'Connell's. In 2008, they published the first complete 3D sonography of the stimulated clitoris, and republished it in 2009 with new research, demonstrating that the erectile tissue of the clitoris engorges and surrounds the vagina, arguing that women may be able to achieve vaginal orgasm via stimulation of the G-Spot because the highly innervated clitoris is pulled closely to the anterior wall of the vagina when the woman is sexually aroused and during vaginal penetration. They assert that since the front wall of the vagina is inextricably linked with the internal parts of the clitoris, stimulating the vagina without activating the clitoris may be next to impossible.

In their 2009 published study, the "coronal planes during perineal contraction and finger penetration demonstrated a close relationship between the root of the clitoris and the anterior vaginal wall". Buisson and Foldès suggested "that the special sensitivity of the lower anterior vaginal wall could be explained by pressure and movement of clitoris's root during a vaginal penetration and subsequent perineal contraction".

O'Connell's findings were criticized by Vincenzo Puppo, who states that O'Connell and other researchers use imprecise terminological and anatomical descriptions of the clitoris.

"Clitoral bulbs is an incorrect term from an embryological and anatomical viewpoint, in fact the bulbs do not develop from the phallus, and they do not belong to the clitoris: 'clitoral bulbs' is not a term used in human anatomy, the correct term is the vestibular bulbs," stated Puppo, arguing that the "anterior vaginal wall is separated from the posterior urethral wall by the urethrovaginal septum (its thickness is 10–12 mm)" and that the "inner clitoris" does not exist. "The female perineal urethra, which is located in front of the anterior vaginal wall, is about one centimeter in length and the G-Spot is located in the pelvic wall of the urethra, 2–3 cm into the vagina," Puppo stated. "The male penis cannot come in contact with the venous plexus of Kobelt (situated until the angle of the clitoris) or with the roots of the clitoris (which do not have sensory receptors or erogenous sensitivity) during vaginal intercourse." Puppo did, however, dismiss the orgasmic definition of the G-Spot that emerged after Ernst Gräfenberg, stating that "there is no anatomical evidence of the vaginal orgasm which was invented by Freud in 1905, without any scientific basis".

In contrast to Puppo's belief that there is no anatomical relationship between the vagina and clitoris, the majority of researchers maintain that vaginal orgasms are the result of clitoral stimulation, reaffirming that clitoral tissue extends even in the area most commonly reported to be the G-Spot. "My view is that the G-Spot is really just the extension of the clitoris on the inside of the vagina, analogous to the base of the male penis," said Kilchevsky.

Because humans all start out as female in the womb and therefore the penis is essentially an enlarged clitoris, changed by male hormones, Kilchevsky believes that there is no evolutionary reason why females would have two separate structures capable of producing orgasms and blames the porn industry and "G-Spot promoters" for "encouraging the myth" of a distinct G-Spot.

Arguments that vaginal orgasms help encourage sexual intercourse in order to facilitate reproduction are challenged by the fact that vaginal orgasms are significantly difficult to achieve, a predicament that is believed to be the result of nature easing the process of child bearing by drastically reducing the number of vaginal nerve endings. However, one study, published 2011, which was the first to map the female genitals onto the sensory portion of the brain, keeps "the possibility of a discrete G-Spot viable".

When a Rutgers University research team asked several women to stimulate themselves in a functional magnetic resonance (fMRI) machine, brain scans showed stimulating the clitoris, vagina and cervix lit up distinct areas of the women's sensory cortex, which means the brain registered distinct feelings between stimulating the clitoris, the cervix and the vaginal wall – where the G-Spot is reported to be.

"I think that the bulk of the evidence shows that the G-Spot is not a particular thing," stated Komisaruk, head of the research findings. "It's not like saying, 'What is the thyroid gland?' The G-Spot is more of a thing like New York City is a thing. It's a region, it's a convergence of many different structures."



5 Αυγ 2010
Mε τον ορο "κλειτοριδικες γυναικες¨" εννοουσε οτι το θηλεο ειναι μακραν η κορυφαια πρεσβειρα της ακολασιας, της λαγνειας, της ασωτιας, της εκλυσης ηθων,του αχαλινωτου σαρκικου παθους, της ελευθεριοτητας και του ολοκληρωτικου εκμαυλισμου!!!

ψάχνουμε να βρουμε, αν υπάρχει, την διαφορά κλειτοριδικού/κολπικού οργασμού.

αυτό που γράφεις εσύ είναι Άρλεκιν.

πράγματι, η Κέλλυ χάθηκε. και θα μπορούσε τόσο να μας βοηθήσει...


20 Νοε 2012
κοίτα, ο οργασμός στην γυναίκα είναι, όπως και πολλά άλλα πράγματα  ;) περίπλοκη υπόθεση.

Γενικά πάντως η κλειτορίδα θέλει στοργή.

Πάντως αν θέλεις, πάρε για Σαββατοκύριακο την παρακάτω ύλη και έλα για πρόχειρο διαγώνισμα Δευτέρα.   :grin:

Orgasm in females

Clitoral and vaginal variabilities

Discussions of the female orgasm are complicated by orgasms in women typically being divided into two categories: clitoral orgasm and vaginal (or G-Spot) orgasm.

Ladas, Whipple and Perry proposed three categories: the tenting type (derived from clitoral stimulation), the A-frame type (derived G-Spot stimulation), and the blended type (derived from clitoral and G-Spot stimulation);

Whipple and Komisaruk later proposed cervix stimulation as inducing a fourth type, though orgasms by means other than clitoral or vaginal/G-Spot stimulation are less prevalent in scientific literature and most scientists contend that no distinction should be made between "types" of female orgasm.

This distinction began with Sigmund Freud, who postulated the concept of "vaginal orgasm" as separate from clitoral orgasm. In 1905, Freud stated that clitoral orgasms are purely an adolescent phenomenon and that upon reaching puberty, the proper response of mature women is a change-over to vaginal orgasms, meaning orgasms without any clitoral stimulation. While Freud provided no evidence for this basic assumption, the consequences of this theory were considerable. Many women felt inadequate when they could not achieve orgasm via vaginal intercourse alone, involving little or no clitoral stimulation, as Freud's theory made penile-vaginal intercourse the central component to women's sexual satisfaction.

The first major national surveys of sexual behavior were the Kinsey Reports. Alfred Kinsey was the first researcher to harshly criticize Freud's ideas about female sexuality and orgasm when, through his interviews with thousands of women, Kinsey found that most women could not have vaginal orgasms.

He "criticized Freud and other theorists for projecting male constructs of sexuality onto women" and "viewed the clitoris as the main center of sexual response" and the vagina as "relatively unimportant" for sexual satisfaction, relaying that "few women inserted fingers or objects into their vaginas when they masturbated". He "concluded that satisfaction from penile penetration [is] mainly psychological or perhaps the result of referred sensation".

Masters and Johnson's research into the female sexual response cycle generally supported Kinsey's findings about the female orgasm, which inspired feminists such as Anne Koedt to speak about the "false distinction" made between clitoral and vaginal orgasms and women's biology not being properly analyzed.
Research, including research by Shere Hite, has consistently demonstrated that 70–80% of women achieve orgasm only through direct clitoral stimulation,

though indirect clitoral stimulation may also be sufficient. The Mayo Clinic stated, "Orgasms vary in intensity, and women vary in the frequency of their orgasms and the amount of stimulation necessary to trigger an orgasm."

Clitoral orgasms are easier to achieve because the glans of the clitoris, or clitoris as a whole, has more than 8,000 sensory nerve endings, as much as or more than the human penis, as well as more than any other part of the human body. As the clitoris is homologous to the penis, it is the equivalent in its capacity to receive sexual stimulation, It surrounds the vagina somewhat like a horseshoe, with "legs" that extend along the vaginal lips back to the anus.

While the G-Spot can produce an orgasm, and the urethral sponge, an area in which the G-Spot may be found, runs along the "roof" of the vagina and can create pleasurable sensations when stimulated, the vagina has insufficient capability of producing pleasure and orgasm in women. Go Ask Alice! reports that although vaginal intercourse may promote a satisfying feeling of fullness or closeness with a sexual partner, the vaginal walls "contain relatively few nerve endings, making intense sexual stimulation, pleasure, and orgasm from vaginal-only penetration unlikely" and that "it's generally only the lower third of the vagina that has enough nerve endings to feel any stimulation at all from a penis, finger, toy, or other penetrative object".

Sex educator Rebecca Chalker states that only one part of the clitoris, the urethral sponge, is in contact with the penis, fingers, or a dildo in the vagina. Hite and Chalker note that the tip of the clitoris and the inner lips, which are also very sensitive, are not receiving direct stimulation during intercourse. Because of this, some couples may engage in the coital alignment technique to maximize clitoral stimulation. For some women, the clitoris is very sensitive after climax, making additional stimulation initially painful.

Accounts that the vagina is capable of producing orgasms continue to be subject to debate because in addition to the vagina's low concentration of nerve endings, the G-Spot's location is inconsistent and appears to be nonexistent in some women, and may be an extension of another structure (such as the Skene's gland or the clitoris, which is a part of the Skene's gland). "Reports in the public media would lead one to believe the G-Spot is a well-characterized entity capable of providing extreme sexual stimulation, yet this is far from the truth," stated scholars Kilchevsky, Vardi, Lowenstein and Gruenwald in a 2012 Journal of Sexual Medicine article.

Masters and Johnson were the first to determine that the clitoral structures surround and extend along and within the labia. In addition to observing that the majority of their female subjects could only have clitoral orgasms, they found that both clitoral and vaginal orgasms had the same stages of physical response. On this basis, they argued that clitoral stimulation is the source of both kinds of orgasms.

Likewise, Australian urologist Helen O'Connell's discoveries about the size of the clitoris, published in 2005, suggest that clitoral tissue extends into the anterior wall of the vagina, which may invalidate the hypothesis that clitoral and vaginal orgasms are of two different origins.

While some studies, using ultrasound, have found physiological evidence of the G-Spot in women who report having orgasms during intercourse, O'Connell asserts that the clitoris's interconnected relationship with the vagina is the physiological explanation for the conjectured G-Spot and experience of vaginal orgasms, taking into account the stimulation of the internal parts of the clitoris during vaginal penetration. Having used MRI technology which enabled her to note a direct relationship between the legs or roots of the clitoris and the erectile tissue of the "clitoral bulbs" and corpora, and the distal urethra and vagina, O'Connell stated, "The vaginal wall is, in fact, the clitoris. If you lift the skin off the vagina on the side walls, you get the bulbs of the clitoris—triangular, crescental masses of erectile tissue." O'Connell, who had made the claims in 1998, and her team were already aware that the clitoris is more than just its glans – the "little hill". They reasoned that it is possible that some women have more extensive clitoral tissues and nerves than others, and therefore whereas many women can only achieve orgasm by direct stimulation of the external parts of the clitoris, for others the stimulation of the more generalized tissues of the clitoris via intercourse may be sufficient.

French researchers Odile Buisson and Pierre Foldès reported similar findings to that of O'Connell's. In 2008, they published the first complete 3D sonography of the stimulated clitoris, and republished it in 2009 with new research, demonstrating that the erectile tissue of the clitoris engorges and surrounds the vagina, arguing that women may be able to achieve vaginal orgasm via stimulation of the G-Spot because the highly innervated clitoris is pulled closely to the anterior wall of the vagina when the woman is sexually aroused and during vaginal penetration. They assert that since the front wall of the vagina is inextricably linked with the internal parts of the clitoris, stimulating the vagina without activating the clitoris may be next to impossible.

In their 2009 published study, the "coronal planes during perineal contraction and finger penetration demonstrated a close relationship between the root of the clitoris and the anterior vaginal wall". Buisson and Foldès suggested "that the special sensitivity of the lower anterior vaginal wall could be explained by pressure and movement of clitoris's root during a vaginal penetration and subsequent perineal contraction".

O'Connell's findings were criticized by Vincenzo Puppo, who states that O'Connell and other researchers use imprecise terminological and anatomical descriptions of the clitoris.

"Clitoral bulbs is an incorrect term from an embryological and anatomical viewpoint, in fact the bulbs do not develop from the phallus, and they do not belong to the clitoris: 'clitoral bulbs' is not a term used in human anatomy, the correct term is the vestibular bulbs," stated Puppo, arguing that the "anterior vaginal wall is separated from the posterior urethral wall by the urethrovaginal septum (its thickness is 10–12 mm)" and that the "inner clitoris" does not exist. "The female perineal urethra, which is located in front of the anterior vaginal wall, is about one centimeter in length and the G-Spot is located in the pelvic wall of the urethra, 2–3 cm into the vagina," Puppo stated. "The male penis cannot come in contact with the venous plexus of Kobelt (situated until the angle of the clitoris) or with the roots of the clitoris (which do not have sensory receptors or erogenous sensitivity) during vaginal intercourse." Puppo did, however, dismiss the orgasmic definition of the G-Spot that emerged after Ernst Gräfenberg, stating that "there is no anatomical evidence of the vaginal orgasm which was invented by Freud in 1905, without any scientific basis".

In contrast to Puppo's belief that there is no anatomical relationship between the vagina and clitoris, the majority of researchers maintain that vaginal orgasms are the result of clitoral stimulation, reaffirming that clitoral tissue extends even in the area most commonly reported to be the G-Spot. "My view is that the G-Spot is really just the extension of the clitoris on the inside of the vagina, analogous to the base of the male penis," said Kilchevsky.

Because humans all start out as female in the womb and therefore the penis is essentially an enlarged clitoris, changed by male hormones, Kilchevsky believes that there is no evolutionary reason why females would have two separate structures capable of producing orgasms and blames the porn industry and "G-Spot promoters" for "encouraging the myth" of a distinct G-Spot.

Arguments that vaginal orgasms help encourage sexual intercourse in order to facilitate reproduction are challenged by the fact that vaginal orgasms are significantly difficult to achieve, a predicament that is believed to be the result of nature easing the process of child bearing by drastically reducing the number of vaginal nerve endings. However, one study, published 2011, which was the first to map the female genitals onto the sensory portion of the brain, keeps "the possibility of a discrete G-Spot viable".

When a Rutgers University research team asked several women to stimulate themselves in a functional magnetic resonance (fMRI) machine, brain scans showed stimulating the clitoris, vagina and cervix lit up distinct areas of the women's sensory cortex, which means the brain registered distinct feelings between stimulating the clitoris, the cervix and the vaginal wall – where the G-Spot is reported to be.

"I think that the bulk of the evidence shows that the G-Spot is not a particular thing," stated Komisaruk, head of the research findings. "It's not like saying, 'What is the thyroid gland?' The G-Spot is more of a thing like New York City is a thing. It's a region, it's a convergence of many different structures."

Πολύ καλή δουλειά jaygatsby... thx 4 the info... Αν και μάλλον θα πρέπει να κανονίσω μια πρακτική με τη μούσα στην οποία έχετε αφιερώσει το thread... Έχω διάφορες πιστοποιήσεις στο άθλημα αλλά νομίζω πως μία πιστοποίηση από Κέλλυ χρειάζεται στην αγορά εργασίας...  :2funny:


5 Αυγ 2010
Πολύ καλή δουλειά jaygatsby... thx 4 the info... Αν και μάλλον θα πρέπει να κανονίσω μια πρακτική με τη μούσα στην οποία έχετε αφιερώσει το thread... Έχω διάφορες πιστοποιήσεις στο άθλημα αλλά νομίζω πως μία πιστοποίηση από Κέλλυ χρειάζεται στην αγορά εργασίας...  :2funny:

είδες όμως χάθηκε. δεν βγαίνει να μας διαφωτίσει, εμάς τους φτωχούς στο πνεύμα δούλους της.

πάντως γενικά από την πείρα μου, κλειτορίδα = ΠΟΛΛΗ ΣΤΟΡΓΗ ΚΑΙ ΣΑΛΙΟ, μαλακές όχι βίαιες κινήσεις.

όταν η γυναίκα σμπρώχνει την λεκάνη της προς εμάς good news
όταν την απομακρύνει bad news
και ο θεός βοηθός!

η κέλλυ χάθηκε, μόνο αυτή θα μας βοηθούσε...είναι αναντικατάστατη.


orgasmo nero

23 Μαΐ 2012
Που ειναι η Κελλυ? Μηπως τρωει την μπανανα?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         


25 Ιουλ 2007
μαλλον Την κέλλυ την πήρε ο αγαπημένος της εραστής….ο μορφέας  :grin:


5 Αυγ 2010
οργασμική συζήτηση χωρίς γυναίκα (Κέλλυ)=

ομελέτα χωρίς αβγά,

bloody mary χωρίς τοματοχυμό,

μπρικ σολομού χωρίς βότκα,

στιφάδο χωρίς κρεμμύδια.



20 Νοε 2012

με ειχε η αντζελα  2 ωρες στο τηλεφωνο

τι λετε εσεις εδω?

Έχεις χάσει σοβαρή συζήτηση... Θέλουμε άμεσα τα φώτα σου... Διάβασε τα προηγούμενα posts...

orgasmo nero

23 Μαΐ 2012

με ειχε η αντζελα  2 ωρες στο τηλεφωνο

τι λετε εσεις εδω?
Αργησες και νομιζαμε οτι εκτελουσες βιτσια!!!  :grin:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
19 Νοε 2012
και μια που είμαστε όλοι μια ωραία ατμόσφαιρα για να κάνουμε, με την άδεια της κούκλας οικοδέσποινας μας λίγο μάθημα γυναικείας ανατομίας.

maldini,  τι εννούσες χθες με τον όρο "κλειτοριδικές γυναίκες"?

1.οι κλειτοριδικες γυναικες ειναι αυτες που ερχονται σε οργαζμο μονο με στοματικο ερωτα (γλυφομουνι) ;)

2.ενω οι κολπηκες γυναικες ειναι αυτες που ερχονται σε οργαζμο με την σεξουαλικη επαφη (πουτσα) ;)

3.υπαρχει και ο οργαζμος που ερχετε απο τον προκτο (πολυ ωραιο)

4. υπαρχουν γυναικες που ερχονται σε οργαζμο απο τις ρωγες του στηθους (εοισης τελειο και πολυ βασανιστικο)

αυτο ομως δεν ειναι απολυτο, υπαρχουν και γυναικες που τα θελουν ολα αυτα και μπορουν με ολους τους τροπους να ερθουν σε οργαζμο.

εγω κληκαρω το 5 (ολα τα παραπανω) για αυτο μαλλον ταιριαζω με πολλους αντρες και για αυτο με θελουν


20 Νοε 2012
1.οι κλειτοριδικες γυναικες ειναι αυτες που ερχονται σε οργαζμο μονο με στοματικο ερωτα (γλυφομουνι) ;)

2.ενω οι κολπηκες γυναικες ειναι αυτες που ερχονται σε οργαζμο με την σεξουαλικη επαφη (πουτσα) ;)

3.υπαρχει και ο οργαζμος που ερχετε απο τον προκτο (πολυ ωραιο)

4. υπαρχουν γυναικες που ερχονται σε οργαζμο απο τις ρωγες του στηθους (εοισης τελειο και πολυ βασανιστικο)

αυτο ομως δεν ειναι απολυτο, υπαρχουν και γυναικες που τα θελουν ολα αυτα και μπορουν με ολους τους τροπους να ερθουν σε οργαζμο.

εγω κληκαρω το 5 (ολα τα παραπανω) για αυτο μαλλον ταιριαζω με πολλους αντρες και για αυτο με θελουν

Μας γάμησες τώρα Κέλλυ... Άντε να κοιμηθώ μετά απ' αυτό...

"Πάρε τα κλειδιά του αυτοκινήτου
τα συμβόλαια του ακινήτου
και τα βιβλιάρια τραπέζης
φτάνει με τον πόνο μου μην παίζεις"

που λέει και ο ποιητής...  :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:
19 Νοε 2012
Μας γάμησες τώρα Κέλλυ... Άντε να κοιμηθώ μετά απ' αυτό...

"Πάρε τα κλειδιά του αυτοκινήτου
τα συμβόλαια του ακινήτου
και τα βιβλιάρια τραπέζης
φτάνει με τον πόνο μου μην παίζεις"

που λέει και ο ποιητής...   :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:

:2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:


13 Φεβ 2006
Γεια σου Κελλακυ μοναδικη μου αγαπη...  :smitten:




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