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Είχε πρωτοβγεί το 2005 ως (she)mail

και κάποιος
ΒΛΑΞ 4 χρόνια μετά απλά άλλαξε τον όνομα του πρωθυπουργού μαζί κι έφτιαξε ένα μήνυμα ποτ-πουρέ των παρακάτω δηλώσεων αρχικά του Υπ. Οικονομίας Peter (Elvis

) Costello:
ISLAMIC extremists wanting to enforce fundamentalist law should get out of Australia, federal Treasurer Peter Costello said yesterday.
In a significant hardening of the Government's rhetoric, Mr Costello declared Australia would never be turned into an Islamic state.
"There are Islamic states around the world that practice sharia law," he said. "And if that is your object, you may well be much more at home in such a country than trying to turn Australia into one of those countries, because it is not going to happen."
Μετά ο Υπ. Παιδείας Dr Brendan Nelson είπε αυτό
"Τhose who do not accept and teach Australian values should 'clear off'".
Ο τότε πρωθυπουργός John Howard είχε δηλώσει σχετικά με την διασύνδεση τζαμιών και τρομοκρτίας:
Mosques and Islamic schools will be targeted by intelligence agencies as the federal government tries to stamp out homegrown terrorism and extremists.Prime Minister John Howard said on top of trying to promote Australian values in Islamic schools, the government would monitor what was said in certain schools and mosques to ensure they did not foster terrorism.
Asked whether he was prepared to "get inside" mosques and schools to ensure there was no support for terrorism, Mr Howard was blunt.
"Yes, to the extent necessary," Mr Howard told Southern Cross radio.
Τα υπόλοιπα είναι αποσπάσματα από ένα άρθρο ενός απόστρατου αεροπόρου US veteran εν ονόματι Barry Loudermilk, ο οποίος σχολιάζει με έντονο ύφος την απομάκρυνση αμερικανικών συμβόλων από τους δημόσιους χώρους.