Γενικά, οι κοπέλες αυτές έχουν κατά μέσο όρο περισσότερα ψυχολογικά θέματα από τις άλλες.
Αυτό βέβαια χωρίς να κάνω κανένα cite. Μου το έχει πει ψυχολόγος, και δε γνωρίζω την ορθότητά του.
Από την άλλη όμως, σχεδόν ότι κάνουμε, μας υπαγορεύεται από τα ψυχολογικά μας θέματα. Γιατί η πορνεία να αποτελεί εξαίρεση;
Mary Anne Layden, Ph. D., Director for Women's Psychological Health in
Philadelphia states in a powerful way:
Most strippers, as with other women who work in the sex industry, are adult
survivors of childhood sexual abuse. Research indicates the number is between
60%-80%. One study found that 35% of strippers have Multiple Personality
Disorder, 55% had Borderline Personality Disorder, and 60% had Major
Depressive Episodes, These are severe psychiatric problems and many of them
are connected to childhood sexual abuse. These are women who when they
were little girls would get into their beds each night and roll themselves into a
fetal position and every night he would come in and peel her open. The physical
and visual invasion of little girl's bodies damages them psychologically and gives
them a psychologically unhealthy view of sexuality. Often as adults they reenact
their childhood trauma by working as strippers, Playboy models, and prostitutes.
The men who, now as customers, physically and visually invade the adult
women's bodies, reenact the role of the perpetrator. These women work in the
sex industry because it feels like home