
Antwerp Red Light District

  • Μέλος που άνοιξε το νήμα George_47
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25 Οκτ 2009
In June 2011 I once again  travelled to Amsterdam. However this post is about my detour to the Belgium city of Antwerp.
Having arrived at the Dutch port Hoek van Holland I took the train to  Rotterdam before changing and continuing through  Roosendaal  onto Antwerp. A journey that took less than two hours. I had a single nights accommodation booked at the Internationaal Zeemanshuis which is about 20 minutes walk from the main station right next to the red light district. This is a hotel originally for sailors though now open to anyone. My room was a very basic single  costing 47.50 Euros but it had a tv and private facilities and that's all I needed. I had no plans to visit any of the girls since I knew my favourites would be waiting for me in Amsterdam and I just wanted to check out 't schipperskwartier. This translates to 'shipper's quarters' and makes up Antwerp's red light district covering  schippersstraat, Vingerlingstraat, Verversrui and Villa Tinto.
Villa Tinto is a  building / area which resembles a kind of shopping thoroughfare and you could easily imagine boutiques there instead of prostitutes plying their trade. It was opened in 2005 and is supposedly "Europe's most high tech bordello". It even has it's own mini police station though to me it just looked like a door which wasn't used these days. Schippersstraat, Vingerlingstraat and Verversrui are all quite similar. They consist of buildings which have been divided in to usually three or four rooms. The rooms are quite attractive and all have a similar archtectual style.
I took several of the photos below at around 7.30am. There wouldn't be many girls working in  Amsterdam at this time  so photography is easy. However  in Antwerp there were several girls still working from the night before and some just starting the day shift. For that reason it was very difficult to get the pictures and I had to be a little sneaky.
I found the working girls in Antwerp to be quite pretty. There were several young model types interspersed with some older less attractive women. Prices seemed to be 50 Euros for a basic 15 to 20 minutes "fuck and suck". As usual I suspect it is better to pay a bit more for a less rushed session.  The girls appeared to be clean though one offered kissing and pussy licking which is not something I would recommend doing with a prostitute.
On Vingerlingstraat is Antwerp's only peep show. There is a single revolving stage surrounded by cabins. Two Euros gets you about 90 seconds of action. When I went there were only  single girls performing and there was no mention of ' live fucking'  like you get in some places like Brussels. If you want however you can have a private show with one of the girls. The two of you go to a special booth with a sheet of glass separating you (See one of the photos below). Obviously no touching is possible but you can then instruct the girl to do various things. I don't know how much it costs but I believe the charge can build up pretty quickly and visiting one of the many girls in the streets outside probably makes better financial sense.  
The area has another sex shop at the beginning of Verversrui and a number of snackbars. It feels pretty safe though I wasn't walking in the early hours unless you count 7.30am.

www.amsterdam-red-light-district-maps.com/images/Ant702.jpg] ... ... ... [/url]
........Schippersstraat.............. Verversrui ................................................ Verversrui

www.amsterdam-red-light-district-maps.com/images/Ant706.jpg] ... ... ... [/url]
........................Verversrui  ............................................. Vingerlingstraat

www.amsterdam-red-light-district-maps.com/images/Ant710.jpg] ... ... ... [/url]
............Schippersstraat has around 40 buildings for prostitutes. .......................Villa Tinto

www.amsterdam-red-light-district-maps.com/images/Ant714.jpg] ... ... ... [/url]
.........................Villa Tinto is a modern and unique area for working girls in  Antwerp.

www.amsterdam-red-light-district-maps.com/images/Ant718.jpg] ... ... ... [/url]
...........Villa Vinto..... The peep show and sex shop on Vingerlingstraat has video cabins and live girls.

www.amsterdam-red-light-district-maps.com/images/Ant722.jpg] ... ... ... [/url]
...Private show booth.............Video cabin....... Looking out onto Verversrui..... Verversrui

www.amsterdam-red-light-district-maps.com/images/Ant726.jpg] ... ... ... [/url]
Vingerlingstraat at Dusk...Sex shop on  Verversrui. .. Antwerp is also nice outside the red light district.



16 Μαρ 2007
Τι μου θύμισες ρε τύπε... αν και την villa δεν την πρόλαβα.
(Ελπίζω να μην απαντάω σε troll)




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