Μα οι illuminati φίλε είναι οι Μασώνοι ή στην Αγγλική Fremarsons..Δεν είναι ξεχωριστά πράγματα
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Illuminati History
1773 - Mayer Amschel Rothschild (Banking family) assembles twelve of his most influential friends and convinces them that if they all pool their resources together, they can rule the world. This meeting takes place in Frankfurt, Germany. Rothschild also informs his friends that he has found the perfect candidate, an individual of incredible intellect and ingenuity, to lead the organization he has planned - Adam Weishaupt.
May 1, 1776 - Adam Weishaupt (code named Spartacus) establishes a secret society called the Order of the Illuminati. Weishaupt is the Professor of Canon Law at the University of Ingolstadt in Bavaria, part of Germany. [This date, May Day, is to become highly significant to the Soviet Communists. They held festive military parades on this day.] The Illuminati seek to establish a New World Order.
Their objectives are as follows:
1) Abolition of all ordered governments
2) Abolition of private property
3) Abolition of inheritance
4) Abolition of patriotism
5) Abolition of the family
6) Abolition of religion
7) Creation of a world government
Weishaupt’s revised plan required his Illuminati to do the following things to help them accomplish their purpose.
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