I feel so extraordinary
Something's got a hold on me
I get this feeling I'm in motion
A sudden sense of liberty
I don't care 'cause I'm not there
And I don't care if I'm here tomorrow
Again and again I've taken too much
Of the things that cost you too much...
I'll be your imagination,
Tear apart what you believe,
Make a mess of your conviction,
Take away my pride and leave,
Nothing, but the debris,
Cuts, two ways,
Carrion child,
Prey for me, play your
Wild card, see the house come down around your
Possession: taking over.....
Γεννάει το φίδι αυγά ακόμα.
Γελάει που σε βρήκε λιώμα
κι έχει τη σκιά σου για δροσιά.
Γυρνάει, ξεθάβει το αίμα από το χώμα,
σου ράβει το μουδιασμένο στόμα
κι αν κλείσεις και τ' αυτιά, καλά κρασιά.