Έτυχε πέρσι το καλοκαίρι να πάρω τραίνο από τον Πειραιά να πάω κέντρο.
Από δίπλα 3 Αμερικάνες, Jersey προφορά, συζητάνε μεταξύ τους, δυνατά.
Η πιο αδύνατη πρέπει να'ταν κάπου 85 κιλά, η πιο χοντρή γύρω στο κατοστάρι. Σωρτσάκια, η κυτταρίτιδα ξεκινούσε απ'τη γάμπα, τελείωνε στον σβέρκο.
#1 "So, we went to (ξέχασα ποιο νησί) and the men there wouldn't give us the time of the day. It's like we were invisible or something"
#2 "Yeah, they didn't even try to talk to us!"
#3 "Are you sure they weren't gay or something? It's like, Greece, you know (γέλια)"
#1 "I don't know, but it's really annoying. You got perfect "10" women and you completely ignore them. No one even tried to buy us a drink or something"
#3 "Yeah, but men here are also kinda short"
#1 "Doesn't matter, it's still annoying being ignored!"
Σ'όλη τη διαδρομή κρατιόμουν να μην γελάσω.