
Hannah (Swedish Harmony)

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Πρακτορείο City-Tours
2 Σεπ 2007
www.bourdela.com/content/view/1698/1/]Το thread αυτό αναφέρεται στην καταχώρηση της κοπέλας στον κατάλογο[/url]

Dear "A",

Before I will write my comment I like you to know that all comments are respected, even negative reviews!

I received this email from you earlier today -

"Dear Mila,
I write you because we have exchanged together partially mail, in other case I would not write.
As soon as I turned from 2hours meeting with Hannah,ameeting by no means good for me, a meeting with by no means service for his money 500euro.
I write for you because I do not want to write in bourdela.com and ******.com for the bad current service her Hannah, because I do not want to spoil nor little from the very good picture that it has the world from your office, this I believe also i that they is best.
Now for my meeting with Hannah , the hour they is 14.25 and I am in the office, that means that I left from the room in 45min,the service did not exist by no means, no friendship, no blowjob, nothing that it would justify 500euro that I gave.
That I write in you him I said also in Hannah,
I spoke him that the service that it provides they is for 50euro and no for 500euro, and that it does not deserve they is in your office.
Apology for mail other I have made company with the more ladies of your office and did not never exist problem service.
Once again apology other I did not like by no means such something.
King Regards "
Mila's Comment -

I am not sure if you know I have been collaborating with Hannah since December last year? She is not new to SHI nor is the appointment with you one of her first. As I think most of the clients who meet SHI ladies, knows the high level of companionship they do provide, in all different variations.... Its ladies for most gents taste and needs. Services arr presented on SHI website as well as on Bourdela(some services are not offered during tours, but then they are not listed on this site).

I do know you speak limited English and need to use a translating program when corresponding with me, which I really appreciate as I do not speak nor write Greek. The importance when booking a lady is to check what kind of services provides. This shall be done prior the appointment. It was obvious it did not work out between you two, and as I said to you earlier today, you are the only one who has since December, given me such terrible feedback. People are entitle to feel and express what ever they want, but sometimes its important to look at it in various ways. I would also like to say all feedback are looked into, and also validated. To me that is a way to learn to know the girls in a more intimate way as I can not be a fly on the wall (even if I like to at times!) - you are entitled to write and feel what ever you like, and I am allowed to look into that however I like. If you feel misunderstood, I am sorry for that, but I can only tell you how I see on this and how I validate it all.

In the first email you sent you said you did not receive a blow job - but in the review you said you did, the point was you did not like it, which is fair enough. Hannah really did not like the way you squeezed her nipples nor the way you had your fingers inside her, and she told you this - you did not like that. Not every lady like to have their nipples squeezed, or fingered in the way you obviously did. She is entitled to say please do not touch me like that, I do not like it. She is there to enjoy herself as well, if you are able to make her feel good, the total experience is so much better. Surely the ladies are there for the gent, but its a mutual agreement in a silent way. I am positive you liked he lady to feel good as well, and if she does not tell what she likes and not like. Its no worse lying there and be touched or squeezed in an uncomfortable way.

Telling me I did not understand what you mean makes it a bit silly as well, possibly you did not like how I responded, or you maybe did not understand fully what I said. I have received wonderful feedback the last half year of Hannah, but I also know we can not love everyone, its just like that. Personally  I  was wondering how could you ejaculate twice in 45 min if she was that terrible! I am surprised you were able to do so, and even wanted to! Having sex with a dead person can not be that stimulating, but obviously it worked for you.

I am not glad at all over your terrible experience, but knowing this lady, I can just say something is definitely not right here. Always receive wonderful feedback, then hearing someone is like a dead person and being this and that, I have to look at her companion as well (you in this case). You also made her feel bad and very uncomfortable when you left, she was surely worried what I would think, and that its important to her that her guests leaves happy when they leave.

I am very glad to have Hannah in the group, she is a wonderful person, and lots of people really like her,  but she was definitely not suitable for you :( -- nor you for her? Having said that, she did not say anyting negativ about you as a person, she were just very surprised hearing you said to her that she was not worth the price and that she did not provide enough services...what to say about that? Then she did not like certain physical movements of yours (see above)

I would also like to take the opportunity to mention the fees are not set after how many tricks the lady can do, or have wonderful set of legs she has. I also tried to explain this to you. It was very clear today what kind of gent you are and what is important to you. I suggest you look for a girl who provides everything possible! Not someone like Hannah who is not into cim, a-level etc. Love making is about two people (most of the time!) to make it work, both need to be part of the action. If it does not work out one way or another, it will leave one unsatisfied, in this case, it left both of you unsatisfied, and me as well!
It was also funny to see your review after receiving the first email, but I presume you did not appreciate my reply to you...

Best regards,


16 Δεκ 2007
Ρε τι λέει η ποιήτρια, θα μας τρελάνει εντελώς; Τι αγάπες και λουλούδια λέει στον άνθρωπο, μήπως να ζητήσει και συγνώμη, στην τελική ας του γυρίσει τα μισά λεφτά πίσω.


17 Αυγ 2007
Δεν ήθελα να δώσω περισσότερο έμφαση στο θέμα ,ένας λόγος που έγραψα πρώτη φορά στις κριτικές cg αν και είμαι μέλος στο φόρουμ του site χρονιά και έχω χαλάσει αρκετά στα cg ήταν πραγματικά το άθλιο service της κυρίας Hammah.
Τώρα τα περί την πόνεσα στα στηθια  και τέτοια ……στην πουτανα πουτανιες.......
Ότι θέλετε πιστεύετε από αυτά που λέει η Mila ,αλλά θέλω μια απάντηση, έχω συναντήσει όλα τα κορίτσια της Mila χωρίς να αναφέρω πρόβλημα σέρβις,
και ξύπνησα χθες πήγα στο ραντεβού έσκασα τα 500 κάθισα 45 λεπτα,φευγοντας εξήγησα στην κοπέλα το γιατί (χάλια σέρβις) δεν μου είπε τίποτα ,δεν ζητώ λεφτά πίσω , στην συνέχεια στέλνω mail στην Mila για το χάλια σέρβις, δεν απαντά  για 4 ώρες ,παρά απαντά όταν τις στέλνω μαιλ λέγοντας τις ότι θέλω  συνάντηση  με την Άννα.
Μάλλον είμαι παλαβός η ψεύτης για ποιο λόγω? ,επειδή έδωσα 500 για 45 λεπτά ,η έχω κάτι με την Ηannah ,που δεν πρόκειται να την ξανά δω ποτέ στην ζωή μου ούτε εκείνη εμένα..
Να μιλήσω σε εσάς ήθελα για αυτό που έζησα(το χαλιά σέρβις) και να το πω και  στην Mila όπως στέλνουμε κριτική για το καλό  service έστειλα και για  κακό σέρβις ,δεν κατάλαβα δεν μπορώ να πω αυτό που έζησα ,και εάν το πω πάει να πει ότι είμαι ψεύτης επειδή όσοι έχουν πάει με την Hammah εδώ και 4μηννες δεν έχουν παράπονο ,ε λοιπών εμένα δεν μου πρόσφερε ΤΙΠΟΤΑ .
Τι να σας πω ρε παιδιά ας πάει κάποιος να δώσει 500 για να δει εαν λεω ψεματα....... …….πάει?




Νέο Μέλος
26 Ιουν 2008
Καταρχην εδω περα η Mila εκανε για μενα κατι πολυ ασχημο ,εβγαλε στο forum το προσωπικο mail που τις εστειλε ο φιλος. :huh:
Κατι δεν μου καθετε καλα εδω  :idiot:
Μερικες φορες απο απλα πραγματα καταλαβαινεις τι γινετε τελικα και ποιος ειναι ο αλλος που εχεις απεναντη σου,ολοι μου φαινετε εχουμε την ιδια μουρη κυριοι για μερικους......μοιαζουμε ολοι με 500ευρο >:(


31 Οκτ 2007
εχω επισημανει το θεμα στο citytours in greece στη σελ 990 σημερα και χαιρομαι που ο plokamias πηρε θεση,για μενα ειναι σοβαρο το θεμα




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