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Αυτό που ξέφυγε στην Ava (πρ. ατζέντισσα της Julia που έχασε το πουλαίν της) που έγραψε το review για τη Julia είναι ότι στο site που το έγραψε, καταγράφονται τα IP και εμφανίζεται το αν χρησιμοποιείται και από άλλους - έτσι ώστε να αποτρέψει 2πλα/3πλα nicks και fake reviews.
...Κοίτα να δεις που μπορεί και να πω καλή κουβέντα για τους δίπλα τελικά!!

Athens, Greece - November 2009 Looks:2.0/10 Services:3.0/10
1 hour - 200 euro
kISS: With tongue
CIM: No Blowjob: Bareback
Anal Sex: No
Extraball: Only once
I had my meeting with Julia-69 and I am very dessapointed. I was expecting to get a sexy young woman as I met 3 years ago, but instead, a walking skelleton opened the door Sad She is only bones and skin, no tits, no ass, no place you can put your hands on. I guess she is troubling some serious anorexia problems, because she looks really awfull. You can figure the number of her ribs, her face is pale, you clearly can see something is going on with this girl. Anyway, I deceided to stay at the meeting as some time ago, we had a nice time together. She started with blowjob, a little painful because of her teeth, but I said ok. Then I went down on her to lick her. BUT WAIT! What the hell is that smell? Where it comes from? No, it can’t be from the place I was going to lick! Unfortunately it was and this turned me totally down. I deceided at least to get a good fuck, as I was paying for this time I am having. Sex was quite ok, besides that I was afrraid to not breake her bones when I put my hands on her or to not hurt myself in her bones when I fuck her from behind as her ass looked very pointy Sad
Finally I came. I took the condom off, and I could clearly see a white smelly liquid coming from her pussy…….
IP Country: Romania
Members using this ip: 1
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Agencies using this ip: 1
Agency AAA Europe Models 1 reviews[/size]
IP από Ρουμανία και μάλιστα το ίδιο που χρησιμοποιεί το AAA Europe Models. Πόσο μαλάκες αλλά και πόσο χαζοί μπορεί να είναι τελικά.....