Απο που και ως που το Ισραηλ ειναι ΛΙΓΟΤΕΡΟ επικινδυνο σαν Κρατος απο το Ιραν?
Θυμιζω οτι εδω και 60 χρονια ΟΛΟ το μεσανατολικο περιστρεφεται γυρω απο το Ισραηλινο Κρατος.
Και μια ενδιαφερουσα-και σχετικη με το ποστ του ισιου-συνεντευξη ενος Ισραηλινου,που ηταν και συμβουλος του Σαρον...
"“Ruthie Blum: In our previous interview, you made many assertions about what could and should be expected to happen following the disengagement from Gaza. You claim now that everything has played out the way you said it would.
Soffer: Yes. I said, ‘The pressure at the border will be awful. It’s going to be a terrible war.
So, if we want to remain alive, we will have to kill and kill and kill.’
That statement caused a huge stir at the time, and it’s amazing to see how many dozens of angry, ignorant responses I continue to receive from
leftists in Israel and
anti-Semites abroad, who took my words out of context. I didn’t recommend that we kill Palestinians. I said we’ll have to kill them.
I was right about mounting demographic pressures. I am also entitled to defend myself and my country. So today, I would update the headline you gave my last interview and call this one: ‘It’s the demography and anti-Semitism, stupid.’”"
Οι επισημανσεις με κοκκινο δικες μου.