εγώ καταλαβαίνω μια χαρά. Στο μέλλον, όταν αρχίσουν να επιδικάζονται αγωγές ύψους εκατομμυρίων, θα το καταλάβουν κι άλλοι
At 16 I was diagnosed with gender dysphoria in under an HOUR and given sex change surgery after just two appointments... I'm suing the doctors who permanently mutilated me
Luka Hein, from Minnesota, was given the operation at 16 and claims the surgery has left her with daily pain, while the hormone drugs may have robbed her of the chance of becoming a mom.
FORT WORTH, Texas (TND) — Soren Aldaco, a de-transitioned woman from the Dallas-Fort Worth area, said she is suing the doctors who helped change her gender when she identified as transgender.
“I thought I was a trans kid,” Aldaco
wrote in The Dallas Morning News, explaining how societal gender roles led her to believe she was transgender at a young age. When she began to feel out of harmony with these traditional ideals, Aldaco explained she began experimenting with her identity.
'I thought I was a trans kid,' Aldaco wrote in The Dallas Morning News, explaining how gender roles led her to believe she was transgender at a young age.
The first time Sydney woman Jay Langadinos saw psychiatrist Dr Patrick Toohey she was 19, living at home and identifying as male. It was May 2010. Langadinos wanted to start on masculinising hormones and her endocrinologist had referred her to Toohey to assess if she was suitable for the treatment.
According to a statement of claim filed in the NSW Supreme Court in May, the referral letter from Professor Ann Conway said it “seemed likely” Langadinos had “true gender dysphoria”, but she was “very young” and “clearly” needed “thorough psychiatric work-up before embarking on hormone treatment”.
A Sydney woman is suing her former psychiatrist for professional negligence over the transgender treatment she received as a 19-year-old.
κι είμαστε ακόμα στην αρχή, στη συνέχεια θα χτυπηθούν εκεί που πραγματικά πονάνε. Στο πορτοφόλι τους. Πλην όμως για σένα δεν τρέχει κάστανο, που ΗΔΗ άρχισαν οι αγωγές