γιατι οι γυναικες εχουν ξεχωριστο τουρνουα; Τα σωματικα αθληματα, καταλαβαινω οτι δεν ειναι δικαιο να εχουν "μεικτες" ομαδες γιατι οι γυναικες ειναι πιο αδυναμες. Στα πνευματικα αθληματα οπως το σκακι ομως, γιατι δεν ειναι ΟΛΑ τα τουρνουα μεικτα;;;
Θίγεις ένα πολύ ευαίσθητο θέμα για τις γυναίκες...
Bobby Fischer Interview
‘They're all weak, all women. They're stupid compared to men.
They can't concentrate, they don't have stamina, and they aren't creative. They are all fish.’
- Fischer on women chess players, 1961
PLAYBOY US MAGAZINE NOVEMBER 1989 - Garry Kasparov Interview
‘How about women chess players?’
Kasparov: ‘Well, in the past, I have said that there is real chess and women’s chess. Some people don’t like to hear this, but chess does not fit women properly. It’s a fight, you know? A big fight. It’s not for women. Sorry. She’s helpless if she has men’s opposition. I think this is very simple logic. It’s the logic of a fighter, a professional fighter. Women are weaker fighters.
There is also the aspect of creativity in chess. You have to create new ideas. That’s quite difficult, too. Chess is the combination of sport, art and science. In all these fields, you can see men’s superiority. Just compare the sexes in literature, in music or in art. The result is, you know, obvious. Probably the answer is in the genes.’
Males predominate at the top in chess, and chess is a useful domain to investigate possible causes of gender differences in high achievement. Opportunity, interest and extent of practice can be controlled for. Organized chess has objective performance measures, extensive longitudinal...
A meta-analysis is presented of 57 studies of sex differences in general population samples on the Standard and Advanced Progressive Matrices (SPM and…