Λοιπόν, αυτό το link στο youtube για το video μου το έστειλε γνωστός μου Ελληνοαμερικάνος δεύτερης γενιάς που ζει μόνιμα στο USA, μάλλον συντηρητικών αρχών, μάλλον θρήσκος, μάλλον δεξιός, με το εξής σχόλιο:
----- Original Message -----
Subject: Fw: This is Frightening....
This is some scary shit right here.
Take Note!
Η απάντησή μου ήταν η εξής (αν κάποιος δεν καταλαβαίνει τα αγγλικά μου να σας τα μεταφράσω):
I saw this video/presentation, and here is my reply:
To me all this is bullshit.
God, religion, and all this "spirit" talk is just bullshit.
These are non-existing things.
They have been invented by the churches so that people is scared (of the "higher" power which is "god"), so that people obey the priests. So priests make money out of this fear.
It works like this for thousands of years.
I don't make a distinction between christians, muslims, buddhists, hinduists, whatever. They ALL do the same thing: They SCARE people.
So "muslims" is just bullshit.
People need to be educated, in order to be able to see clearly what all this served bullshit is about, and IF and WHEN this becomes a reality, there will be no religions in this world.
That is what I think.
I don't know details about muslim theory, I only know some about christianity (because this is what they have tought me when I was in school), but I am SURE that the others teach their people the same bullshit the school has tought me.
With different names.
In order to fight this, the world does not need to make more children of the "opposite" religion. It is enough to educate the muslim children, even if they are descenants of muslims. They will NOT be muslims any more.
So don't panic about what the video says.
Just focus on the right problem. The education problem.
Αφού του τα έγραψα αυτά, είδα (κατόπιν) το thread που άνοιξε ο φίλος Provios εδώ.
Εκ των υστέρων έμαθα από άλλο φίλο μου Ελληνοαμερικάνο (που τον ξέρει καλύτερα αυτόν που μου το έστειλε γιατί βλέπονται τακτικά εκεί) ότι μάλλον θα τον φρίκαρα με την απάντηση, γιατί ο τύπος είναι όπως σας είπα πιο πάνω...
Η απάντησή μου πάντως ισχύει, εγώ πιστεύω ότι ΕΤΣΙ είναι τα πράματα.