
Ana Mancini

  • Μέλος που άνοιξε το νήμα Lamborghina
  • Ημερομηνία ανοίγματος
  • Απαντήσεις 37
  • Εμφανίσεις 8K
  • Tagged users Καμία
  • Βλέπουν το thread αυτή τη στιγμή 1 άτομα (0 μέλη και 1 επισκέπτες)


6 Μαρ 2012
ειλκιρνα δεν καταλαβαίνω γιατι την αποκαλείτε θεά... σαν τρσανς (pre-op) έχει κι ενα σημαντικό πρόβλημα... στύσης.. δεν εχω δει κανένα της βίντεο ή φωτο που να τη δείχνει πραγματικά καυλωμένη... κάτι χλιαρά πράγματα μόνο.. τωρα από εμφάνιση... περί ορέξεως κολοκυθόπιτα

Eίπαμε να βάλουμε τις γυναίκες κάτω... το καταφέραμε!  τώρα όμως μας ζητάτε να βάλουμε και τους άντρες κάτω να γίνουμε εμείς οι καλύτεροι γαμιάδες..χαχα
Η ΑΝΑ είναι σε έναν κόσμο "plastic and fantastic" και για αυτό που κάνει έχει μεγάλα αρχ..@@@
Από Μαϊάμι πήγε Κολοράντο δεν γύρισε πίσω στο Μεξικό λάθος πληροφορία..


7 Δεκ 2007
ειλκιρνα δεν καταλαβαίνω γιατι την αποκαλείτε θεά... σαν τρσανς (pre-op) έχει κι ενα σημαντικό πρόβλημα... στύσης.. δεν εχω δει κανένα της βίντεο ή φωτο που να τη δείχνει πραγματικά καυλωμένη... κάτι χλιαρά πράγματα μόνο..

Σωστός!  ;)


5 Αυγ 2007
Την να την κανετε την στυση??
Έτσι και γυρίσει την φοβερή κωλάρα και και την πηδάς πισοκολλητο κρατωντας σφιχτα τις βυζάρες  :tits: της δίνοντας τον ρυθμό του  :pipa3: :zfuck: :fuck1:  βάλς....
Ωωωωωωωωχ!!! Καυλωσα ρε πούστη μου πάλι....  :bigdick:


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1 Νοε 2011
ρε παιδιά τι  ΘΕΪΚΗ  κολάρα είναι αυτή ;;;


21 Ιουν 2012

ειναι όντως ΘΕΑ!  :lheel:

υπάρχει θέμα για Τara Emory?


21 Ιαν 2007
ειλκιρνα δεν καταλαβαίνω γιατι την αποκαλείτε θεά... σαν τρσανς (pre-op) έχει κι ενα σημαντικό πρόβλημα... στύσης.. δεν εχω δει κανένα της βίντεο ή φωτο που να τη δείχνει πραγματικά καυλωμένη... κάτι χλιαρά πράγματα μόνο.. τωρα από εμφάνιση... περί ορέξεως κολοκυθόπιτα

πολυ σωστοσ !!!!


6 Μαρ 2012
για κάποιους μετράνε οι κουκλάρες,βυζάρες,κωλάρες,κορμάρες,ποδάρες και για κάποιους "άλλους" οι σηκωμένες ψωλάρες.. σιγά δεν έγινε και τίποτα.. αλλά η συγκεκριμένη δεν πλασάρετε για ενεργητική.
αξία δεν έχουν μόνο οι ενεργητικές.


Ενεργό Μέλος
26 Νοε 2009
αλλη μια ανωμαλια που θα επρεπε να εχει κλειστει σε ψυχιατρειο και ν αντιμετωπιστει με πληθος φαρμακων


15 Φεβ 2009
για κάποιους μετράνε οι κουκλάρες,βυζάρες,κωλάρες,κορμάρες,ποδάρες και για κάποιους "άλλους" οι σηκωμένες ψωλάρες.. σιγά δεν έγινε και τίποτα.. αλλά η συγκεκριμένη δεν πλασάρετε για ενεργητική.
αξία δεν έχουν μόνο οι ενεργητικές.

Εφ' όσον δεν τον χρησιμοποιεί, γιατί δεν τον κόβει να γίνει κανονική γυναίκα;
Διότι τώρα αλήθεια τί ακριβώς είναι; Ξέρει και η ίδια άραγε;

Μια χειρουργημένη "φίλη" από τα παλιά μου, όταν την είχα ρωτήσει αν είχε άγχος όταν επρόκειτο να τον κόψει μια που μετά δεν υπήρχε επιστροφή μου είχε πει.
"Το μόνο άγχος που είχα ήταν να ξεφορτωθώ μια ώρα αρχύτερα αυτό μου κρεμόταν ανάμεσα στα σκέλια μου και δεν θεωρούσα πως ταίριαζε το υπόλοιπο σώμα μου και την ψυχοσύνθεσή μου. Μου έλεγαν να μην το κόψω, γιατί τα λεφτά με αυτό τα έβγαζα και δίκιο είχαν. Με το "εργαλείο" ζητούσα 200άρια και 300άρια, μετά δούλευα σε ντέλα του 30άρικου για τα 15. Αλλά δεν το μετάνοιωσα, γιατί αυτό ήθελα!"...


6 Μαρ 2012
γιατί μετά τέλος ο οργασμός. και μην ακούτε τι λένε καμία δεν τελειώνει..το θέμα είναι τι αισθάνεσαι, αν αισθάνεσαι καλά με το σώμα σου. η Ανα θέλει να είναι "chic with a dick" πάρα κοινή θνητή και άχυτη.
κανονική γυναίκα δε γίνεσαι ποτέ.
Εφ' όσον δεν τον χρησιμοποιεί, γιατί δεν τον κόβει να γίνει κανονική γυναίκα;
Διότι τώρα αλήθεια τί ακριβώς είναι; Ξέρει και η ίδια άραγε;

Μια χειρουργημένη "φίλη" από τα παλιά μου, όταν την είχα ρωτήσει αν είχε άγχος όταν επρόκειτο να τον κόψει μια που μετά δεν υπήρχε επιστροφή μου είχε πει.
"Το μόνο άγχος που είχα ήταν να ξεφορτωθώ μια ώρα αρχύτερα αυτό μου κρεμόταν ανάμεσα στα σκέλια μου και δεν θεωρούσα πως ταίριαζε το υπόλοιπο σώμα μου και την ψυχοσύνθεσή μου. Μου έλεγαν να μην το κόψω, γιατί τα λεφτά με αυτό τα έβγαζα και δίκιο είχαν. Με το "εργαλείο" ζητούσα 200άρια και 300άρια, μετά δούλευα σε ντέλα του 30άρικου για τα 15. Αλλά δεν το μετάνοιωσα, γιατί αυτό ήθελα"...


15 Φεβ 2009
γιατί μετά τέλος ο οργασμός. και μην ακούτε τι λένε καμία δεν τελειώνει..το θέμα είναι τι αισθάνεσαι, αν αισθάνεσαι καλά με το σώμα σου. η Ανα θέλει να είναι "chic with a dick" πάρα κοινή θνητή και άχυτη.
κανονική γυναίκα δε γίνεσαι ποτέ.

Την ξέρεις προσωπικά ή κάπου έχει δηλώσει η ίδια τις απόψεις της; (Σοβαρά μιλάω!)

Πάντως εγώ ξέρω πως όσες φτάνουν μέχρι εκεί πάντα έχουν στο μυαλό τους το επόμενο βήμα που θα τις "ολοκληρώσει" και ο συνήθης λόγος που το αποφεύγουν είναι ο επαγγελματικός, επειδή οι πελάτες γουστάρουν το εργαλείο, ακόμα κι αν δεν σηκώνεται. Αν σηκώνεται τόσο το καλύτερο!
Θυμάμαι πως η φίλη που προανέφερα μου έλεγε πως η επιτυχία της ως ενεργητικής (προ της επεμβάσεως) εξαρτιώταν κυρίως από την βιαιότητα που πηδούσε τους πελάτες της. Αυτή το έκανε γιατί τους "σιχαινόταν" (δικά της λόγια), αλλά σε αυτούς τους άρεσε και συνέχιζαν να πηγαίνουν για να τους ξεσκίζει!!

Τώρα το τί σημαίνει κανονική γυναίκα σηκώνει πολύ συζήτηση. Ας πούμε κάποια που έχει κάνει υστερεκτομή μετά των εξαρτημάτων, λόγω κακοηθείας (έχει βγάλει την μήτρα της και τις ωοθήκες) δεν είναι κανονική γυναίκα;

Χρωματοσωμικά, ασφαλώς και ποτέ δεν γίνεσαι γυναίκα. Ορμονικά γίνεσαι πιο εύκολα. Και ανατομικά. Και ψυχολογικά με την κατάλληλη βοήθεια κι αν εσύ το θέλεις πολύ.
Σε κάθε περίπτωση γυναίκα σίγουρα ΔΕΝ γίνεσαι αν έχεις πούτσο!

Σύμφωνα και με την Ελληνική και με την Ευρωπαϊκή νομοθεσία (που τις θεωρώ πολύ μοντέρνες και ανοιχτόμυαλες στο συγκεκριμένο θέμα) ικανή και αναγκαία προϋπόθεση για να αλλάξεις φύλλο νομικά, είναι να τον έχεις κόψει...


6 Μαρ 2012
Σοκαριστική η αντίδραση του πρώην ερωμένου της 'Ανας Wayde! έστειλε ο ίδιος (λόγο του ότι είναι διαχειριστής των σελίδων της) σε όλα τα μέλη της ένα τρομερά απαξιωτικό email που με λίγα λογία τη χαρακτηρίζει "ψεύτικο άτομο χωρίς ψυχή και ταγμένη στο χρήμα" αποκαλύπτει ότι τον "μάδησε" οικονομικά! Επίσης, τις διάφορες κομπίνες της γύρω απο άλλες τρανσέξουαλ με online Porn, την απέλαση της απο τις ΗΠΑ, την άρνηση της να πληρώσει οτιδήποτε στην εφορία, Ότι ξεκοκαλίζει οικονομικά θαυμαστές της και πολλές λεπτομέρειες για τον ίδιο τον εραστή της ο οποίος είναι και ο διαχειριστής σε όλο της το πρότζεκτ Ana Tranny / Ana Mancini!

Ακολουθεί το μήνυμα στα αγγλικά

> English version
> Hi,
> Please forgive me for this nasty email to you all.  I am not normally like this but I really
> need to show you the light regarding Ana Mancini.
> This is not Ana Mancini but her very upset ex boyfriend.  I just thought I would email you
> all to let you know what type of person you all admire is.
> Ana Mancini (aka 31 year old Angela Ormaechea, Roque Daniel Ormaehcea) is a fake, a
> phony, a crook, a liar and a fraud.  She has no soul and is probably the ugliest person
> inside you could ever meet.
> Gwen, Ariel and all others.  Do you think she was responding to you?  No, I am the one
> that wrote every blog post and responded to you while she sat on her fat ass playing
> Angry Birds or watched something on YouTube.  I'm the one that built a relationship with
> you, not Ana.  She could care a less about you.  In fact, she saw your picture Gwen and
> laughed and joked about how ugly you were.  Personally, I think you are lot prettier
> person than Ana.  You have a heart and soul.  You're kind, friendly and nice.  You care
> about people. I would take you all day over Ana.
> She started TransgenderBeauty.com.  Who do you think built that whole site.  Within
> one month she figured out that she would have to work so she turned it over to some
> other TS that she said was ugly.  In fact, she laughs at most TSs calling them boys with
> wigs.  Some girls just cannot afford to have all the surgery she has had done. Then
> again, some girls have pride and are not willing to suck and fuck every man on the
> planet to get money.  Her TS friends (the few) rejected her offer to start porn sites
> because they realized that once you are up on the Internet, the whole world will see what
> you do privately FOREVER!  A word of advice for you girls thinkng about doing porn,
> don't.  It will stay with you forever.  At least with escorting you are done in 20 minutes
> and you don't have to be exposed to the entire world for as long as the Internet is
> available.
> She laughs about how stupid her clients are to give her that kind of money for twenty
> minutes of nothing.
> I use to be a very rich man.  I spent $150,000 on her 29th birthday in Vegas.  I since have
> lost all my money and she found a new rich man in Paris France, Dr. Chanh Tran Tien.
> She uses him, she used me, and she uses you, she is a user and abuser.
> She was seeing this guy in France while I was still with her and she let me ship every
> thing I owned to Argentina, and let me allow my car to be repossed because she told me
> she loved me and wanted to marry me and spend the rest of her life with me.  Five
> computers, all my furniture, appliances, electronics (heck my TV cost $5,000), pots,
> pans, linens, pictures, everything to furnish her new guest house.
> BTW, she got legally deported out of the US and we were planning on living together
> forever in Cancun.  She knew I had to come back to the states in September of last year
> and planned that she would break up with me by email, after over two and a half years.  I
> have nothing, over $120.000 of my property is now sitting in Angela's "guest house"
> (that she built thanks to all you people that pay $27 a month to see her sexual exploits
> and pay a membership fee to her porn site. You do know you can see all you need
> absolutely free all over the Internet.
> She just went to Europe to spend time with her new rich boyfriend, a vietnamese doctor
> (funny, she always told me that she was not attracted to short guys, black guys, or
> oriental guys but she ended up with a 5 foot 5 oriental guy, that must be true love.  Are
> you starting to see the bigger picture here?)
> She lived with me at 150 Sunny Isles Blvd. in my condo.  You can tell by this writing style
> that I wrote everything for her.  Hell, she was busted before I met her for hooking in
> Chicago and I ended up doing her community service (she found an Internet deal so I
> could do it).
> She told me every day what a good person she was.  I now know she was just trying to
> convince herself.  She is trying now to make all her friends and family know that she is
> in love with Dr. Chanh Tran Tien but she only loves money.  He wines and dines her.
> Bought her that Benz.  However, he doesn't want any of his family, friends, business
> partners or peers to know about her so he keeps her hiding in a closet (that's true love).
> My parents, kids, brother, sister, friends knew she was a TS, when I thought I loved her I
> was proud.  I was truly in love, what a dumb ass.
> I must say, I kind of knew the type of person she was all along but I tried to deny it and
> tell myself she loved me. What a fool.
> You folks are all fools for admiring this abomination.  She makes over $100,000 a year
> from her websites (not counting her escorting) and has never paid one dime in taxes to
> the US, Argentina or Mexican governement.  She not only stole my property from Miami
> to Argentina but smuggled an additional $100,000 of property she didn't own and paid
> no duty taxes (if I get real pissed she will go to jail for 1 to 5 years if she ever sets foot in
> Argentina again and lose her home.
> Every post on Hung Angels, almost every post on her blog, every word you have ever
> read was written by me.  If you read her blog, you will notice the change in writing styles
> recently.  She fooled me again lately so I wrote her last four or five.
> I can honestly say that Ana Mancini could possibly be the most useless, using, waste of
> life that I have ever met.  I never thought I was capable of hate but she changed that.
> You need to quit following pretenders and liars.  When she was going to Europe I asked
> her if she was seeing Dr. Chanh Tran Tien and she said; "swear to my mothers death
> no".  She has swore to her mother's death at least twenty times and lied to me.  This to
> the man she once said she wanted to spend the rest of her life with, what lies do you
> think she is capaable of telling you.  We use to have fights because she wanted me to
> write posts on her blog that were total lies.  Of course, she won in the end.  Half the crap
> up there is a lie.  The white Benz was mine, the condo was mine,  she is a fake.
> Quit supporting her.  Quit spending money on her websites (go see the videos for free
> on YouPorn.com if you have to).  Quit admiring her, she is an empty shell of a person.
> She told me if I wrote this that she would respond by saying I was just an upset client.
> Come on guys,  you see the writing style.  You want her real giving name Roque Daniel
> Ormaechea.  She lives in Cancun now but has a home in Rosaria Del Tala Argentina.
> Her moms name is Olympia, dad Jorge, brother Marcello, sister Candella.  I won't bring
> her nieces and nephews into it but I know all their names too.  Do you think a client
> would know all that?
> When she started dating me (when I had a lot of money)  her best friend was Sabastian
> (yes, the one she is with now in all her posts and videos).  While I was spending
> $150,000 on her birthday in Vegas he called crying that he was getting deported and
> Angela (Ana) blew him off.  He was suicidal.  She did that to her best friend for life as she
> says.  She uses him too.  The minute I left Argentina for the US she drags him back into
> her life to take care of the needs I was taking care of.  Filiming her videos, getting her
> coffee, driving her everywhere.  Have you noticed that her videos are more hard core
> now.  That's because I wouldn't allow the hard core stuff, since she left me she is free to
> do it.  In fact, I found two hard core video's that she did while we were dating and she
> never told me about them.  I found them after we broke up.  Nothing but lies.
> She is a real piece of shit.  A user.  An abuser.  She takes all of you for your money.  The
> only thing she cares about in life is money.  She could care a less about you as long as
> you admire her.  She actually believes that her videos are glamorous.  Heck, I cannot
> remember one time when we were close to a mirror that she didn't pose and admire
> herself.  Money can buy a lot.  Money can help you become beautiful on the outside but
> not inside.  BTW, she is not pretty at all when she sits around with no makeup and farts
> all day playing her games.
> She is just ugly to me outside and especially inside.  Can you imagine having no soul?
> I am sorry to write this but I had to get it off my chest. I am tired of her abusing everyone
> she meets.  You should see how she screams at her mom all the time (and her mom is a
> great lady and would do anything for Angela).  She justs goes around walking on you,
> me, her family, her friends every day of her life.
> Her birthday is July 14th, please post something on her blog about what a liar she is.
> She won't read it.  I was the one that read and answered every comment.  She is too
> busy taking money from her new boyfriend and shopping, "every day is a holiday" is her
> motto.  Yep, as long as you folks keep her in her lifestyle.
> You owe me nothing but please do me a favor.  Please email her directly and let her
> know what you think of her.  I have physical proof of everything I say.  I promise I am not
> just a pissed off ex boyfriend.  Hell, I was married 22 years and have broken up with
> many girls but I never, in my wildest dreams, thought a person could exists like Ana
> Mancini.
> Here is her email address ==> ana@tsmiamigoddess.com
> I think it is time we all stand up and knock people like Ana off their white horse.
> One last thing.  Her and her business partners, Diane and Gregg Priest, are building this
> "network" of TS porn sites.  They acutally try to recruit women by telling them they have
> girls making $10,000 a month (another fight we had because she had me write the
> content for that site as well and I didn't want her to continue misleading and lying to
> people.  Once again, she one out so I apologize to all of you for me contributing to all
> the lies.  I am guilty and regret it).  She is the only one making that kind of money
> because her and her partners recruit young girls, have them work their asses off to
> produce content with false hope and lies, hoping they will quit so that they don't pay
> them a dime off of membership fees (in the contract, they own the content although
> they tell you to your face that you own the content.  Read the fine print).  They have the
> perfect business model.  She abuses other TSs.  She actually told me she wished
> Mariana Cordoba would quit so she could keep all Mariana's membership fees to herself
> (Mariana is the only other girl making any money.  Angelas Cid makes some but she is
> not too bright.  Mariana is actually pretty smart, I've met them both)
> Thank you for your time, thanks for reading my blog posts and reply's to your
> comments.  Gwen, Ariel, and you others, it was a true pleasure getting to know you.  You
> girls are very nice and I respect what you are going through.  If you ever need a friend
> you can email me at thebrashman@gmail.com.
> Sincerely (and as Ana, or Angela always has me witre)
> With Love Always, have a great weekend and remember to be grateful.
> Wayde
> P.S. Please pass this on to other people that might find it interesting.  Ana needs to be
> stopped once and for all.  All people like her need to be stopped.  Google Dr. Chanh Tran
> Tien and tell him what you think.  Let's end this once and for all.  Let's take a stand.
> P.S.S. - Again, please email Ana with your thoughts and wait til you see her replys (if she
> has the time for you).  She will lie to you in her email.  Just email me what she responds
> and I will send you proof of my claims.  ana@tsmiamigoddess.com




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