Brooke Jameson: Anal Barbie-Milf Fights BackWhen I heard that Brooke Jameson was
back in the business after a break of six or seven years I got in touch with her
straightaway to book a shoot. I shot one of her very first scenes ten years ago and she
was absolutely fantastic. And it was so good to see her again. We shot the interview –
great. We shot the solo and the pics – great. And then we got to the scene. Er…Brooke
plays the fiancee of a local Essex gangster who’s found out that she’s been fucking
other boys behind his back. He gives her a choice – either fuck off or do a PSS scene
that he’ll store away for safe-keeping, and which we won’t publish, unless she cheats
again. If she does, we put her scene on the site for all the world to see. If ever there
was a good example of the importance of using safe words and both parties
understanding and agreeing on how they should be used then this scene is it. During
her interview, Brooke said she was really liked choking. Pretty quickly, Pascal has his
Brooke Jameson: Anal Barbie-Milf Fights BackWhen I heard that Brooke Jameson was
back in the business after a break of six or seven years I got in touch with her
straightaway to book a shoot. I shot one of her very first scenes ten years ago and she
was absolutely fantastic. And it was so good to see her again. We shot the interview –
great. We shot the solo and the pics – great. And then we got to the scene. Er…Brooke
plays the fiancee of a local Essex gangster who’s found out that she’s been fucking
other boys behind his back. He gives her a choice – either fuck off or do a PSS scene
that he’ll store away for safe-keeping, and which we won’t publish, unless she cheats
again. If she does, we put her scene on the site for all the world to see. If ever there
was a good example of the importance of using safe words and both parties
understanding and agreeing on how they should be used then this scene is it. During
her interview, Brooke said she was really liked choking. Pretty quickly, Pascal has his