που ειδατε στην γερμανια οτι το προστιμο ειναι μονο 50 ευρω;
στο βερολινο
Anyone who does not comply with the applicable rules of the ordinance is liable to receive a fine. The following is a selection of the most important fines at a glance:
Minimum distance of 1.5 meters not maintained: 100 to 500 euros
No hygiene plan prepared or submitted: 250 to 5000 euros
Attendance documentation not maintained: 500 to 10,000 euros
Incorrect or incomplete information given in the attendance documentation: 100 to 1,000 euros
Mask or other covering over the mouth and nose not worn: 50 to 500 euros
Being in public spaces with persons other than those permitted: 50 to 500 euros
Hygiene measures described in the hygiene plan not enforced by the person organizing an event: 250 to 5,000 euros
Hygiene measures not enforced by a proprietor: 100 to 2,500 euros
Serving, dispensing or sale of alcoholic beverages between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m.: 500 to 1,000 euros
Quarantine not observed upon entry: 1,00 to 5,000 euros
Visitors received during quarantine: 500 to 5,000 euros (300 to 1,000 euros for the person visiting)
Noncompliance with duty to report to health authorities upon entry: 500 to 2,500 euros
Using sexual services that are prohibited: 250 to 5,000 euros
Operating a prostitution facility that offers sexual services that are prohibited: 1,000 to 10,000 euros
The amount of the fine will be based on the extent of the danger caused by the violation, the offender’s contrition, whether this is a repeat offense, and the offender’s potential economic gain from the violation. In the case of repeated violations of particular rules, the fine may be as much as 25,000 euros. That applies to violations of the rules for restaurant and sports facilities and the rules prohibiting dance events and discos.
The legal basis for these rules is the Protection against Infection Act. The ordinance was promulgated on June 26, 2020, in accordance with section 2 (1) of the Berlin Promulgation Act and went into effect on June 27. The ordinance will expire at the end of the day on January 31, 2021.
Ordinance on Measures Required to Protect the Population from Infections with the SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2 Infection Protection Measures Ordinance - InfSchMV) from December 14, 2020, in the Version of the Second Ordinance Amending the SARS-CoV-2 Infection Protection Measures Ordinance from January 6, 2021
New Senate Ordinance on the Coronavirus Crisis from the Senate session of December 14, 2020