Τα συμπεράσματα (παρόλο που κατά βάση αθωώνουν) δεν νομιμοποιούν για μας καμιά παρέκκλιση από την αποφυγή και των φιλιών, στα οποία πολλές φορές και εγώ δυστυχώς (αν και σχετικός με τα ιατρικά) δεν κατόρθωσα να μην υποκύψω.
Δεν βλέπω από που προκύπτει από το παραπάνω site (και όσον αφορά στον HIV) ότι τα φιλιά πρέπει να αποφεύγονται. Αντιθέτως υπάρχουν πολλές αναφορές για το αντίθετο:
"Kissing never transmits HIV"
(Θέμα: Lips-to-lips closed-mouth kiss with cuts )
"in the history of HIV only ONE documented case's recorded of acquiring HIV through Kissing how ever they are still skeptical about it, it's not a concrete peice of information because they also think that, there is still a chance that the woman was infected in ways other than kissing"
"HIV through the kiss and the bite are extremely unusual events.
If you'd wanna asses the risk, I'd tell you, you are more likely to get an heart attack tonight and die (since you're thinking so much about it) instead of acquiring HIV through this incidence."
"Transmission of HIV by kissing just doesn't occur--at least it is so rare that nobody has ever documented it"
"Think through the odds (I have done this exercise before, but maybe helpful for people to see it again): Assume there is a 20% chance the guy you kissed is HIV positive. Assume there is one chance in 100,000 you could have got infected. (The actual chance probably is closer to 1 in a million.) Now add that 95% of infected people will have positive tests at 40 days. (It's probably more like 98-99%.) The math works out like this: 0.2 x 0.00001 x 0.05 = 0.0000001, i.e. one in 10 million. That is the maximum chance you caught HIV; your actual risk probably is 1 in 100 million or lower."