
Αποτελέσματα αναζήτησης

  1. eduardon

    City Tours in Greece (reviews και νέες αφίξεις ΜΟΝΟ)

    Please share which sites where "You can find Russian and Ukrainian girls on other long dates sites with 500 per day for a date of four days to a week" I am super interested! :)
  2. eduardon

    Ad GlamourEscorts

    This new Zlata profile is fake. 100% I did a reverse image search and found her Instagram account. All pictures belong to a Russian girl from St Petersburg (not Estonian like profile states) and her Stories published the last few days show her visiting Slovenia. Don't fall for it brothers!
  3. eduardon

    Viagra/Cialis και συναφή

    Thank you so much for your answer. Any chance to find an online geek pharmacy which offers click and collect in Athens? That's what I usually do in London and it goes so smooth and it could save me from a potential language barrier problem with a pharmacist. I speak zero Greek unfortunately
  4. eduardon

    Viagra/Cialis και συναφή

    Hello, apologizes for the English. The question was answered by someone already but it did not translate well with Google. Is it possible to get Viagra or Levitra in any pharmacy without a prescription? Can it be as easy as telling the pharmacist what I want, get it, pay and leave? In some...
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